Take the 2021 scroll survey to help improve scrolling on the web

An introduction to the 2021 Scroll Survey from the Chrome team

We've been analyzing the results of the 2019 Mozilla Developer Network Web DNA Report for action items and follow up strategies to improve the top reported issues. A small sub-group on the Chrome team identified a group of issues related to scrolling, scroll-snap, and touch-action. Those issues were researched, evaluated, and synthesized into a new, follow-up survey with more precise questions about issues related to these topics.

2021 Scroll Survey

We believe that there are many ways to improve scrolling on the web for developers, designers, and users alike. We've created a survey which we hope is respectful of your time. It should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. The results will help browser vendors and standards groups understand how to make scrolling better.

You can take part in the survey at 2021 Web Scrolling Survey.