Building a better web, together
We want to help you build beautiful, accessible, fast, and secure websites that work cross-browser, and for all of your users. This site is our home for content to help you on that journey, written by members of the Chrome team, and external experts who specialize in web development topics such as accessibility, performance, design, and more.
Web Platform Baseline brings clarity to information about browser support for web platform features, providing clear information about which web platform features are ready to use in your projects today. When reading an article here on web.dev, if the features used are all part of Baseline, you can trust the level of browser compatibility.
AI and the web
Discover resources created to help you understand and build performant, web-first experiences with AI.
Optimize INP
Interaction to Next Paint (INP) is now a Core Web Vital metrics. Start measuring and optimizing your site's INP.
Payments & Identity
Read up on the latest features and best practices when it comes to identity and payment processing.
Explore the web platform
The web platform is a constantly evolving ecosystem of browser features and APIs that developers can use to make websites that are easy and delightful to use. These pages are pathways for you to dive into each part of the web platform on web.dev—at your pace:
HTML is the document layer of the web, providing structure and semantics for pages.
CSS is the presentation layer of the web, and allows you to your web pages look just like you want them to.
JavaScript provides rich interactivity to web pages, allowing developers to build richly interactive websites that help users to perform tasks and accomplish goals.
Learn the web platform
New to the web platform? We've got you covered! Dive into each part of the web platform with these courses curated specifically for beginners to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Keep up on web development news
Our blog contains the latest news in web development, including new web platform features, updates to Baseline, AI, Core Web Vitals, and more. Keep up with the latest blog reading our blog.
CSS and UI design
Learn the latest tips and techniques to use in your work, right now.
Adapting typography to user preference using CSS
Adapt a font to your users' preferences, so they're maximally comfortable reading your content.
New CSS color spaces and functions in all major engines
All major engines now support the new CSS color spaces and functions. Find out how they can bring vibrancy to your designs.
What are source maps?
Improve web debugging experience with source maps.
CSS subgrid
Subgrid is now interoperable across all three major engines. Find out how to use it.
Core Web Vitals
Build faster websites and apps by understanding Core Web Vitals and other metrics.
The most effective ways to improve Core Web Vitals
A collection of best practices for optimizing websites' Core Web Vitals performance based on the state of the web.
How to optimize INP
Learn how to optimize for the Interaction to Next Paint metric.
Common misconceptions about how to optimize LCP
Explore common misconceptions about optimizing Largest Contentful Paint by looking beyond image optimization and considering factors like Time to First Byte and resource load delay.
Best practices for measuring Web Vitals in the field
Guidance for collecting and reporting Web Vitals quickly and reliably.
Progressive Web Apps
Create capable web experiences.
Learn PWA
A course that breaks down every aspect of modern progressive web app development.
TransformStream is now supported cross browser.
Now that transform streams are supported in Safari, Firefox, and Chrome they are finally ready for prime time.
New patterns for amazing apps
Dive into a fantastic collection of new patterns for amazing apps, including clipboard patterns, file patterns, and advanced app patterns.
Project Fugu API showcase
On the Chrome Developers site, explore capabilities APIs.
Accessible for all
Learn how to make your sites more accessible for people with disabilities, whether permanent, temporary, or situational.
Learn Accessibility
Our new course is a great entry point and reference for accessibility topics.
Testing web design color contrast
An overview of three tools and techniques for testing and verifying accessible color contrast of your design.
Building the main navigation for a website
This tutorial describes how to build an accessible main navigation of a website. You learn about semantic HTML, accessibility, and how using ARIA attributes can sometimes do more harm than good.
Community highlight: Melanie Sumner
Read our interview with Melanie, a software engineer who specializes in digital accessibility.
Payments and identity
Find the latest techniques and best practices for payments and helping users safely log into your sites and apps.
Create a passkey for passwordless logins
Passkeys make user accounts safer, simpler, easier to use.
Sign in with a passkey
Create a sign in experience that uses passkeys while still accommodating existing password users.
Web payments overview
Learn more about Web Payments and how they work.
Payment and address form best practices
Maximize conversions by helping your users complete address and payment forms as quickly and easily as possible.
Developer Newsletter
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