圖片處理作業有 3 種常見類別:
- 像是對比度、亮度、暖色調、棕褐色調、飽和度等像素效果。
- 多像素效果,稱為卷積濾鏡,例如銳化、邊緣偵測、模糊處理。
- 整張圖片變形,例如裁剪、扭曲、拉伸、鏡頭效果、波紋。
因此,您必須做出非常重要的選擇,決定是在 CPU 上使用 2D 畫布進行處理,還是在 GPU 上使用 WebGL 進行處理。
2D 畫布
const source = document.getElementById('source-image');
// Create the canvas and get a context
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Set the canvas to be the same size as the original image
canvas.width = source.naturalWidth;
canvas.height = source.naturalHeight;
// Draw the image onto the top-left corner of the canvas
context.drawImage(theOriginalImage, 0, 0);
const imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
const pixels = imageData.data;
變數是長度為 width * height * 4
的 Uint8ClampedArray
。每個陣列元素都是一個位元組,陣列中的每四個元素代表一個像素的顏色。四個元素分別代表紅色、綠色、藍色和 Alpha (透明度) 的數量,依序排列。像素的排列順序是從左上角開始,由左至右、由上至下。
pixels[0] = red value for pixel 0 pixels[1] = green value for pixel 0 pixels[2] = blue value for pixel 0 pixels[3] = alpha value for pixel 0 pixels[4] = red value for pixel 1 pixels[5] = green value for pixel 1 pixels[6] = blue value for pixel 1 pixels[7] = alpha value for pixel 1 pixels[8] = red value for pixel 2 pixels[9] = green value for pixel 2 pixels[10] = blue value for pixel 2 pixels[11] = alpha value for pixel 2 pixels[12] = red value for pixel 3 ...
const index = (x + y * imageWidth) * 4;
const red = pixels[index];
const green = pixels[index + 1];
const blue = pixels[index + 2];
const alpha = pixels[index + 3];
您現在可以視需要讀取及寫入這類資料,並套用任何想得到的效果。不過,這個陣列是畫布實際像素資料的副本。如要將編輯後的版本寫回,您必須使用 putImageData
context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
WebGL 是一個龐大的主題,因此無法在單一文章中完整介紹。如要進一步瞭解 WebGL,請參閱本文結尾的建議閱讀資料。
談到 WebGL,最要記住的一點是,它「不是」 3D 圖形 API。事實上,WebGL (和 OpenGL) 只擅長一件事:繪製三角形。在應用程式中,您必須以三角形的形式說明您「實際」要繪製的內容。在 2D 圖像的情況下,這很簡單,因為矩形是兩個相似的直角三角形,排列方式是讓斜邊位於同一位置。
- 將描述三角形頂點 (點) 的資料傳送至 GPU。
- 將來源圖片以紋理 (圖片) 的形式傳送至 GPU。
- 建立「頂點著色器」。
- 建立「片段著色器」。
- 設定一些稱為「均勻」的著色器變數。
- 執行著色器。
讓我們深入探討。首先,請在圖形卡上配置一些稱為頂點緩衝區的記憶體。您可以在其中儲存描述每個三角形的各個點的資料。您也可以透過兩種著色器設定一些變數 (稱為「統一」),這些變數是全域值。
如今,GPU 會知道需要繪製畫布中的哪些像素。每個像素都會呼叫片段著色器,並需要傳回應繪製至螢幕的顏色。片段著色器可讀取一或多個紋理的資訊,以便判斷顏色。
在片段著色器中讀取紋理時,您可以使用 0 (左側或底部) 和 1 (右側或頂部) 之間的兩個浮點座標,指定要讀取圖片的哪個部分。
varying vec2 pixelCoords;
uniform vec2 textureSize;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
main() {
vec2 textureCoords = pixelCoords / textureSize;
vec4 textureColor = texture2D(textureSampler, textureCoords);
gl_FragColor = textureColor;
Pretty much every kind of 2D image manipulation that you might want to do can be done in the
fragment shader, and all of the other WebGL parts can be abstracted away. You can see [the
abstraction layer](https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/snapshot/blob/master/src/filters/image-shader.ts) (in
TypeScript) that is being in used in one of our sample applications if you'd like to see an example.
### Which should I use?
For pretty much any professional quality image manipulation, you should use WebGL. There is no
getting away from the fact that this kind of work is the whole reason GPUs were invented. You can
process images an order of magnitude faster on the GPU, which is essential for any real-time
The way that graphics cards work means that every pixel can be calculated in it's own thread. Even
if you parallelize your code CPU-based code with `Worker`s, your GPU may have 100s of times as many
specialized cores as your CPU has general cores.
2D canvas is much simpler, so is great for prototyping and may be fine for one-off transformations.
However, there are plenty of abstractions around for WebGL that mean you can get the performance
boost without needing to learn the details.
Examples in this article are mostly for 2D canvas to make explanations easier, but the principles
should translate pretty easily to fragment shader code.
## Effect types
### Pixel effects
This is the simplest category to both understand and implement. All of these transformations take
the color value of a single pixel and pass it into a function that returns another color value.
There are many variations on these operations that are more or less complicated. Some will take into
account how the human brain processes visual information based on decades of research, and some will
be dead simple ideas that give an effect that's mostly reasonable.
For example, a brightness control can be implemented by simply taking the red, green and blue values
of the pixel and multiplying them by a brightness value. A brightness of 0 will make the image
entirely black. A value of 1 will leave the image unchanged. A value greater than 1 will make it
For 2D canvas:
const brightness = 1.1; // Make the image 10% brighter
for (let i = 0; i < imageData.data.length; i += 4) {
imageData.data[i] = imageData.data[i] * brightness;
imageData.data[i + 1] = imageData.data[i + 1] * brightness;
imageData.data[i + 2] = imageData.data[i + 2] * brightness;
請注意,迴圈會一次移動 4 個位元組,但只會變更三個值,這是因為這個特定轉換不會變更 alpha 值。請注意,Uint8ClampedArray 會將所有值四捨五入為整數,並將值限制在 0 到 255 之間。
WebGL 片段著色器:
float brightness = 1.1;
gl_FragColor = textureColor;
gl_FragColor.rgb *= brightness;
同樣地,對於這項特定轉換,只有輸出顏色的 RGB 部分會相乘。
這會稍微改變您在 2D 畫布情況下執行操作的方式,因為您需要能夠讀取圖片的原始顏色,而先前的範例則是更新原地像素。
const originalPixels = new Uint8Array(imageData.data);
在 WebGL 情況下,您不必進行任何變更,因為著色器不會寫入輸入紋理。
權重可由矩陣 (稱為核) 表示,其中的中心值會對應至目前的像素。例如,這是 3x3 高斯模糊處理的核。
| 0 1 0 | | 1 4 1 | | 0 1 0 |
假設您要計算 (23, 19) 像素的輸出顏色。取出周圍的 8 個像素 (23, 19) 和像素本身,然後將每個像素的顏色值乘以對應的權重。
(22, 18) x 0 (23, 18) x 1 (24, 18) x 0 (22, 19) x 1 (23, 19) x 4 (24, 19) x 1 (22, 20) x 0 (23, 20) x 1 (24, 20) x 0
將所有權重加總,然後除以 8,即為權重總和。您可以看到結果會是像素,其中大部分是原始像素,但附近的像素會滲入。
const kernel = [
[0, 1, 0],
[1, 4, 1],
[0, 1, 0],
for (let y = 0; y < imageHeight; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < imageWidth; x++) {
let redTotal = 0;
let greenTotal = 0;
let blueTotal = 0;
let weightTotal = 0;
for (let i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
for (let j = -1; j <= 1; j++) {
// Filter out pixels that are off the edge of the image
if (
x + i > 0 &&
x + i < imageWidth &&
y + j > 0 &&
y + j < imageHeight
) {
const index = (x + i + (y + j) * imageWidth) * 4;
const weight = kernel[i + 1][j + 1];
redTotal += weight * originalPixels[index];
greenTotal += weight * originalPixels[index + 1];
blueTotal += weight * originalPixels[index + 2];
weightTotal += weight;
const outputIndex = (x + y * imageWidth) * 4;
imageData.data[outputIndex] = redTotal / weightTotal;
imageData.data[outputIndex + 1] = greenTotal / weightTotal;
imageData.data[outputIndex + 2] = blueTotal / weightTotal;
某些整張圖片轉換作業很簡單。在 2D 畫布中,裁剪和縮放功能只是簡單的情況,只會在畫布上繪製來源圖片的一部分。
// Set the canvas to be a little smaller than the original image
canvas.width = source.naturalWidth - 100;
canvas.height = source.naturalHeight - 100;
// Draw only part of the image onto the canvas
const sx = 50; // The left-most part of the source image to copy
const sy = 50; // The top-most part of the source image to copy
const sw = source.naturalWidth - 100; // How wide the rectangle to copy is
const sh = source.naturalHeight - 100; // How tall the rectangle to copy is
const dx = 0; // The left-most part of the canvas to draw over
const dy = 0; // The top-most part of the canvas to draw over
const dw = canvas.width; // How wide the rectangle to draw over is
const dh = canvas.height; // How tall the rectangle to draw over is
context.drawImage(theOriginalImage, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh);
旋轉和反射功能可直接在 2D 上下文中使用。在將圖片繪製至畫布之前,請變更各種轉換。
// Move the canvas so that the center of the canvas is on the Y-axis
context.translate(-canvas.width / 2, 0);
// An X scale of -1 reflects the canvas in the Y-axis
context.scale(-1, 1);
// Rotate the canvas by 90°
context.rotate(Math.PI / 2);
但更強大的功能是,許多 2D 轉換可寫為 2x3 矩陣,並透過 setTransform()
const matrix = [
Math.cos(rot) * x1,
-Math.sin(rot) * x2,
Math.sin(rot) * y1,
Math.cos(rot) * y2,
較複雜的效果 (例如鏡頭失真或波紋) 會對每個目的地座標套用一些偏移量,以便計算來源像素座標。舉例來說,如要產生水平波浪效果,您可以根據 y 座標,將來源像素 x 座標偏移一些值。
for (let y = 0; y < canvas.height; y++) {
const xOffset = 20 * Math.sin((y * Math.PI) / 20);
for (let x = 0; x < canvas.width; x++) {
// Clamp the source x between 0 and width
const sx = Math.min(Math.max(0, x + xOffset), canvas.width);
const destIndex = (y * canvas.width + x) * 4;
const sourceIndex = (y * canvas.width + sx) * 4;
imageData.data[destIndex] = originalPixels.data[sourceIndex];
imageData.data[destIndex + 1] = originalPixels.data[sourceIndex + 1];
imageData.data[destIndex + 2] = originalPixels.data[sourceIndex + 2];
如果您使用 video
Canvas 2D:
context.drawImage(<strong>video</strong>, 0, 0);
不過,這項功能只會使用當前的影片影格。因此,如果您想將效果套用至播放中的影片,就必須在每個影格上使用 drawImage
const draw = () => {
context.drawImage(video, 0, 0);
// ...image processing goes here
處理影片時,處理速度快就顯得格外重要。使用靜態圖片時,使用者可能不會注意到在按下按鈕和套用效果之間有 100 毫秒的延遲。不過,在動畫播放時,只要延遲 16 毫秒,就可能會造成明顯的卡頓現象。
- WebGL 基礎知識:教導 WebGL 的網站
- Kernel (image processing):說明卷積濾鏡的維基百科頁面
- 圖像核的視覺化說明:透過互動式示範說明幾個核。
- 變形:MDN 文章,介紹 2D 畫布變形