How we used Polymer to create a high-performance WebGL mobile controlled Lightsaber that is modular and configurable. We review some key details of our project https://lightsaber.withgoogle.com/ to help you save time when creating your own next time you run into a pack of angry Stormtroopers.
If you are wondering what Polymer or WebComponents are we thought it would be best to start by sharing an extract from an actual working project. Here is a sample taken from the landing page of our project https://lightsaber.withgoogle.com. It's a regular HTML file but has some magic inside:
<!-- Element-->
<dom-module id="sw-page-landing">
<!-- Template-->
<!-- include elements/sw/pages/sw-page-landing/styles/sw-page-landing.css-->
<div class="centered content">
<div class="connection-url-wrapper">
<sw-t key="landing.type" class="type"></sw-t>
<div id="url" class="connection-url">.</div>
<div class="disclaimer epilepsy">
<sw-t key="disclaimer.epilepsy" class="type"></sw-t>
<sw-ui-footer state="extended"></sw-ui-footer>
<!-- Polymer element script-->
<script src="scripts/sw-page-landing.js"></script>
So there are many choices out there nowadays when you want to create a HTML5 based application. APIs, Frameworks, Libraries, Game Engines etc. Despite all the choices it is difficult to get a setup that is a good mix between control over high performance of graphics and clean modular structure and scalability. We found that Polymer could help us keep the project organized while still allowing for low-level performance optimizations, and we carefully crafted the way we broke down our project into components to best leverage Polymer's capabilities.
Modularity with Polymer
Polymer is a library that allows a lot of power over how your project is built from reusable custom elements. It allows you to use standalone, fully functional modules contained in a single HTML file. They contain not only the structure (HTML markup) but also inline styles and logic.
Have a look at the example below:
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
<dom-module id="picture-frame">
<!-- scoped CSS for this element -->
div {
display: inline-block;
background-color: #ccc;
border-radius: 8px;
padding: 4px;
<!-- any children are rendered here -->
is: "picture-frame",
But on a larger project it might be helpful to separate these three logical components (HTML, CSS, JS) and only merge them at compile time. So one thing we did was give each element in the project its own separate folder:
|-- elements.jade
`-- sw
|-- debug
| |-- sw-debug
| |-- sw-debug-performance
| |-- sw-debug-version
| `-- sw-debug-webgl
|-- experience
| |-- effects
| |-- sw-experience
| |-- sw-experience-controller
| |-- sw-experience-engine
| |-- sw-experience-input
| |-- sw-experience-model
| |-- sw-experience-postprocessor
| |-- sw-experience-renderer
| |-- sw-experience-state
| `-- sw-timer
|-- input
| |-- sw-input-keyboard
| `-- sw-input-remote
|-- pages
| |-- sw-page-calibration
| |-- sw-page-connection
| |-- sw-page-connection-error
| |-- sw-page-error
| |-- sw-page-experience
| `-- sw-page-landing
|-- sw-app
| |-- bower.json
| |-- scripts
| |-- styles
| `-- sw-app.jade
|-- system
| |-- sw-routing
| |-- sw-system
| |-- sw-system-audio
| |-- sw-system-config
| |-- sw-system-environment
| |-- sw-system-events
| |-- sw-system-remote
| |-- sw-system-social
| |-- sw-system-tracking
| |-- sw-system-version
| |-- sw-system-webrtc
| `-- sw-system-websocket
|-- ui
| |-- experience
| |-- sw-preloader
| |-- sw-sound
| |-- sw-ui-button
| |-- sw-ui-calibration
| |-- sw-ui-disconnected
| |-- sw-ui-final
| |-- sw-ui-footer
| |-- sw-ui-help
| |-- sw-ui-language
| |-- sw-ui-logo
| |-- sw-ui-mask
| |-- sw-ui-menu
| |-- sw-ui-overlay
| |-- sw-ui-quality
| |-- sw-ui-select
| |-- sw-ui-toast
| |-- sw-ui-toggle-screen
| `-- sw-ui-volume
`-- utils
`-- sw-t
And each element's folder has the same internal structure with separate directories and files for logic (coffee files), styles (scss files) and template (jade file).
Here's an example sw-ui-logo
|-- bower.json
|-- scripts
| `-- sw-ui-logo.coffee
|-- styles
| `-- sw-ui-logo.scss
`-- sw-ui-logo.jade
And if you look into the .jade
// Element
// Template
include elements/sw/ui/sw-ui-logo/styles/sw-ui-logo.css
// Polymer element script
You can see how things are organised in a clean way by including styles
and logic from separate files. To include our styles in our Polymer
elements we use Jade’s include
statement, so we have actual inline CSS
file contents after compilation. The sw-ui-logo.js
script element will
execute at runtime.
Modular Dependencies with Bower
Normally we keep libraries and other dependencies at the project level.
However in the setup above you will notice a bower.json
that is in the
element’s folder: element level dependencies. The idea behind this approach
is that in a situation where you have lots of elements with different
dependencies we can make sure to load only those dependencies that are
actually used. And if you remove an element, you don’t need to remember to
remove its dependency because you also will have removed the bower.json
that declares these dependencies. Each element independently loads the
dependencies that relate to it.
However, to avoid a duplication of dependencies we include a .bowerrc
in each element’s folder as well. This tells bower where to store
dependencies so we can ensure there is only one at the end in the same
"directory" : "../../../../../bower_components"
This way if multiple elements declare THREE.js
as a dependency, once
bower installs it for the first element and starts parsing the second one,
it will realise that this dependency is already installed and will not
re-download or duplicate it. Similarly, it will keep that dependency
files as long as there's at least one element that still defines it in
its bower.json
A bash script finds all bower.json
files in the nested elements structure.
Then it enters these directories one by one and executes bower install
each of them:
echo installing bower components...
modules=$(find /vagrant/app -type f -name "bower.json" -not -path "*node_modules*" -not -path "*bower_components*")
for module in $modules; do
pushd $(dirname $module)
bower install --allow-root -q
Quick New Element Template
It takes a bit of time each time you want to create a new element: generating the folder and basic file structure with the correct names. So we use Slush to write a simple element generator.
You can call the script from command line:
$ slush element path/to/your/element-name
And the new element is created, including all the file structure and contents.
We defined templates for the element files, e.g. the .jade
file template
looks as follows:
// Element
dom-module(id='<%= name %>')
// Template
include elements/<%= path %>/styles/<%= name %>.css
span This is a '<%= name %>' element.
// Polymer element script
script(src='scripts/<%= name %>.js')
The Slush generator replaces the variables with actual element paths and names.
Using Gulp to Build Elements
Gulp keeps the build process under control. And in our structure, to build the elements we need Gulp to follow the following steps:
- Compile the elements'
files to.js
- Compile the elements'
files to.css
- Compile the elements'
files to.html
, embedding the.css
In more detail:
Compiling the elements' .coffee
files to .js
gulp.task('elements-coffee', function () {
return gulp.src(abs(config.paths.app + '/elements/**/*.coffee'))
patterns: [{json: getVersionData()}]
.pipe($.changed(abs(config.paths.static + '/elements'), {extension: '.js'}))
.on('error', gutil.log)
.pipe(gulp.dest(abs(config.paths.static + '/elements')));
For the steps 2 and 3 we use gulp and a compass plugin to compile scss
and .jade
to .html
, in a similar approach to 2 above.
Including Polymer Elements
To actually include the Polymer elements we use HTML imports.
<link rel="import" href="elements.html">
<!-- Polymer -->
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
<!-- Custom elements -->
<link rel="import" href="sw/sw-app/sw-app.html">
<link rel="import" href="sw/system/sw-system/sw-system.html">
<link rel="import" href="sw/system/sw-routing/sw-routing.html">
<link rel="import" href="sw/system/sw-system-version/sw-system-version.html">
<link rel="import" href="sw/system/sw-system-environment/sw-system-environment.html">
<link rel="import" href="sw/pages/sw-page-landing/sw-page-landing.html">
<link rel="import" href="sw/pages/sw-page-connection/sw-page-connection.html">
<link rel="import" href="sw/pages/sw-page-calibration/sw-page-calibration.html">
<link rel="import" href="sw/pages/sw-page-experience/sw-page-experience.html">
<link rel="import" href="sw/ui/sw-preloader/sw-preloader.html">
<link rel="import" href="sw/ui/sw-ui-overlay/sw-ui-overlay.html">
<link rel="import" href="sw/ui/sw-ui-button/sw-ui-button.html">
<link rel="import" href="sw/ui/sw-ui-menu/sw-ui-menu.html">
Optimising Polymer elements for production
A large project can end up having a lot of Polymer elements. In our
project, we have more than fifty. If you consider each element having a
separate .js
file and some having libraries referenced, it becomes more than
100 separate files. This means a lot of requests the browser needs to make,
with performance loss. Similarly to a concatenate and minify process we
would apply to an Angular build, we “vulcanize” the Polymer project at the
end for production.
Vulcanize is a Polymer tool that flattens the dependency tree into a single html file, reducing the number of requests. This is especially great for browsers that do not support web components natively.
CSP (Content Security Policy) and Polymer
When developing secure web applications you need to implement CSP. CSP is a set of rules that prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks: execution of scripts from unsafe sources, or executing inline scripts from HTML files.
Now the one, optimized, concatenated and minified .html
file generated
by Vulcanize has all the JavaScript code inline in a non CSP compliant
format. To address this we use a tool called
Crisper splits inline scripts from an HTML file and puts them into a single,
external JavaScript file for CSP compliance. So we pass the vulcanized
HTML file through Crisper and end up with two files: elements.html
. Inside elements.html
it also takes care of loading the
generated elements.js
Application Logical Structure
In Polymer, elements can be anything from a non-visual utility to small, standalone and reusable UI elements (like buttons) to bigger modules like "pages" and even composing full applications.

Postprocessing with Polymer and Parent-child Architecture
In any 3D graphics pipeline, there is always a last step where effects are added on top of the whole picture as a kind of overlay. This is the post-processing step, and involves effects like glows, god-rays, depth of field, bokeh, blurs etc. The effects are combined and applied to different elements according to how the scene is built. In THREE.js we could create a custom shader for the post-processing in JavaScript or we can do this with Polymer, thanks to its parent-child structure.
If you look at our post-processor's element HTML code:
<dom-module id="sw-experience-postprocessor">
<!-- Template-->
<sw-experience-effect-bloom class="effect"></sw-experience-effect-bloom>
<sw-experience-effect-dof class="effect"></sw-experience-effect-dof>
<sw-experience-effect-vignette class="effect"></sw-experience-effect-vignette>
<!-- Polymer element script-->
<script src="scripts/sw-experience-postprocessor.js"></script>
We specify the effects as nested Polymer elements under a common class. Then,
in sw-experience-postprocessor.js
we do this:
effects = @querySelectorAll '.effect'
@composer.addPass effect.getPass() for effect in effects
We use the HTML feature and JavaScript's querySelectorAll
to find all
effects nested as HTML elements within the post processor, in the order
they were specified in. We then iterate over them and add them to the composer.
Now, let's say we want to remove the DOF (Depth of Field) effect and change the order of bloom and vignette effects. All we need to do is edit the post-processor's definition to something like:
<dom-module id="sw-experience-postprocessor">
<!-- Template-->
<sw-experience-effect-vignette class="effect"></sw-experience-effect-vignette>
<sw-experience-effect-bloom class="effect"></sw-experience-effect-bloom>
<!-- Polymer element script-->
<script src="scripts/sw-experience-postprocessor.js"></script>
and the scene will just run, without changing a single line of actual code.
Render loop and update loop in Polymer
With Polymer we can also approach rendering and engine updates elegantly.
We created a timer
element that uses requestAnimationFrame
and computes
values like current time (t
) and delta time - time elapsed from the
last frame (dt
is: 'sw-timer'
type: Number
value: 0
readOnly: true
notify: true
type: Number
value: 0
readOnly: true
notify: true
_isRunning: false
_lastFrameTime: 0
ready: ->
@_isRunning = true
_update: ->
if !@_isRunning then return
requestAnimationFrame => @_update()
currentTime = @_getCurrentTime()
@_setT currentTime
@_setDt currentTime - @_lastFrameTime
@_lastFrameTime = @_getCurrentTime()
_getCurrentTime: ->
if window.performance then performance.now() else new Date().getTime()
Then, we use data binding to bind the t
and dt
properties to our
engine (experience.jade
t='{ % templatetag openvariable % }t}}',
dt='{ % templatetag openvariable % }dt}}'
And we listen to changes of t
and dt
in the engine and whenever the
values change, the _update
function will be called:
is: 'sw-experience-engine'
type: Number
type: Number
observers: [
_update: (t) ->
dt = @dt
@_physics.update dt, t
@_renderer.render dt, t
If you're hungry for FPS though, you might want to remove Polymer's data binding in render loop to save couple milliseconds required to notify elements about the changes. We implemented custom observers as follows:
addUpdateListener: (listener) ->
if @_updateListeners.indexOf(listener) == -1
@_updateListeners.push listener
removeUpdateListener: (listener) ->
index = @_updateListeners.indexOf listener
if index != -1
@_updateListeners.splice index, 1
_update: ->
# ...
for listener in @_updateListeners
listener @dt, @t
# ...
The addUpdateListener
function accepts a callback and saves it in its
callbacks array. Then, in the update loop, we iterate over every callback and
we execute it with dt
and t
arguments directly, bypassing data binding or
event firing. Once a callback is no longer meant to be active, we added a
function that lets you remove an earlier added callback.
A Lightsaber in THREE.js
THREE.js abstracts away the low level detail of WebGL and allows us to focus on the problem. And our problem is fighting Stormtroopers and we need a weapon. So let's build a lightsaber.
The glowy blade is what differentiates a lightsaber from any old two-handed weapon. It is mainly made of two parts: the beam and the trail which is seen when moving it. We built it with a bright cylinder shape and a dynamic trail that follows it as the player moves.
The Blade
The blade is made up of two sub blades. An inner and an outer one. Both are THREE.js meshes with their respective materials.
The Inner blade
For the inner blade we used a custom material with a custom shader. We take a line created by two points and project the line between these two points on a plane. This plane is basically what you control when you fight with your mobile, it gives the sense of depth and orientation to the saber.
To create the feeling of a round glowing object we look at the orthogonal point distance of any point on the plane from the main line joining the two points A and B as below. The closer a point is to the main axis the brighter it is.

The source below shows how we compute a vFactor
to control the intensity
in the vertex shader to then use it to blend with the scene in the
fragment shader.
THREE.LaserShader = {
uniforms: {
"uPointA": {type: "v3", value: new THREE.Vector3(0, -1, 0)},
"uPointB": {type: "v3", value: new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0)},
"uColor": {type: "c", value: new THREE.Color(1, 0, 0)},
"uMultiplier": {type: "f", value: 3.0},
"uCoreColor": {type: "c", value: new THREE.Color(1, 1, 1)},
"uCoreOpacity": {type: "f", value: 0.8},
"uLowerBound": {type: "f", value: 0.4},
"uUpperBound": {type: "f", value: 0.8},
"uTransitionPower": {type: "f", value: 2},
"uNearPlaneValue": {type: "f", value: -0.01}
vertexShader: [
"uniform vec3 uPointA;",
"uniform vec3 uPointB;",
"uniform float uMultiplier;",
"uniform float uNearPlaneValue;",
"varying float vFactor;",
"float getDistanceFromAB(vec2 a, vec2 b, vec2 p) {",
"vec2 l = b - a;",
"float l2 = dot( l, l );",
"float t = dot( p - a, l ) / l2;",
"if( t < 0.0 ) return distance( p, a );",
"if( t > 1.0 ) return distance( p, b );",
"vec2 projection = a + (l * t);",
"return distance( p, projection );",
"vec3 getIntersection(vec4 a, vec4 b) {",
"vec3 p = a.xyz;",
"vec3 q = b.xyz;",
"vec3 v = normalize( q - p );",
"float t = ( uNearPlaneValue - p.z ) / v.z;",
"return p + (v * t);",
"void main() {",
"vec4 a = modelViewMatrix * vec4(uPointA, 1.0);",
"vec4 b = modelViewMatrix * vec4(uPointB, 1.0);",
"if(a.z > uNearPlaneValue) a.xyz = getIntersection(a, b);",
"if(b.z > uNearPlaneValue) b.xyz = getIntersection(a, b);",
"a = projectionMatrix * a; a /= a.w;",
"b = projectionMatrix * b; b /= b.w;",
"vec4 p = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);",
"gl_Position = p;",
"p /= p.w;",
"float d = getDistanceFromAB(a.xy, b.xy, p.xy) * gl_Position.z;",
"vFactor = 1.0 - clamp(uMultiplier * d, 0.0, 1.0);",
].join( "\n" ),
fragmentShader: [
"uniform vec3 uColor;",
"uniform vec3 uCoreColor;",
"uniform float uCoreOpacity;",
"uniform float uLowerBound;",
"uniform float uUpperBound;",
"uniform float uTransitionPower;",
"varying float vFactor;",
"void main() {",
"vec4 col = vec4(uColor, vFactor);",
"float factor = smoothstep(uLowerBound, uUpperBound, vFactor);",
"factor = pow(factor, uTransitionPower);",
"vec4 coreCol = vec4(uCoreColor, uCoreOpacity);",
"vec4 finalCol = mix(col, coreCol, factor);",
"gl_FragColor = finalCol;",
].join( "\n" )
The Outer Blade Glow
For the outer glow we render to a separate renderbuffer and use a post-processing bloom effect and blend with the final image to get the desired glow. The image below shows the three different regions that you need to have if you want a decent saber. Namely the white core, the middle blue-ish glow and the outer glow.

Lightsaber Trail
The trail of the lightsaber is key to the full effect as the original seen in the Star Wars series. We made the trail with a fan of triangles generated dynamically based on the movement of the lightsaber. These fans are then passed to the postprocessor for further visual enhancement. To create the fan geometry we have a line segment and based on its previous transform and current transform we generate a new triangle in the mesh, dropping off the tail portion after a certain length.

Once we have a mesh we assign a simple material to it, and pass it to the postprocessor to create a smooth effect. We use the same bloom effect that we applied to the outer blade glow and get a smooth trail as you can see:

Glow around the trail
For the final piece to be complete we had to handle glow around the actual trail, which could be created in a number of ways. Our solution that we don’t go into detail here, for performance reasons was to create a custom shader for this buffer that creates a smooth edge around a clamp of the renderbuffer. We then combine this output in the final render, here you can see the glow that surrounds the trail:

Polymer is a powerful library and concept (same as WebComponents are in general). It is only up to you what you make with it. It can be anything from a simple UI button to a full-sized WebGL application. In the previous chapters we have shown you some tips and tricks for how to efficiently use Polymer in production and how to structure more complex modules that also perform well. We also showed you how to achieve a nice looking lightsaber in WebGL. So if you combine all that, remember to Vulcanize your Polymer elements before deploying to production server and if you don't forget to use Crisper if you want to stay CSP compliant, may the force be with you!