Lazy loading best practices

While lazy loading images and video have positive and measurable performance benefits, it's not a task to be taken lightly. If you get it wrong, there could be unintended consequences. As such, it's important to keep the following concerns in mind.

Mind the fold

It may be tempting to lazy-load every single media resource on the page with JavaScript, but you need to resist this temptation. Anything resting above the fold shouldn't be lazy-loaded. Such resources should be considered critical assets, and thus should be loaded normally.

Lazy loading delays the loading of resources until after the DOM is interactive when scripts have finished loading and begin execution. For images below the fold, this is fine, but critical resources above the fold should be loaded with the standard <img> element so they're displayed as soon as possible.

Of course, where the fold lies is not so clear these days when websites are viewed on so many screens of varying sizes. What lies above the fold on a laptop may well lie below it on mobile devices. There's no bulletproof advice for addressing this optimally in every situation. You'll need to conduct an inventory of your page's critical assets, and load those images in typical fashion.

Additionally, you may not want to be so strict about the fold line as the threshold for triggering lazy loading. It may be more ideal for your purposes to establish a buffer zone some distance below the fold so that images begin loading well before the user scrolls them into the viewport. For example, the Intersection Observer API allows you to specify a rootMargin property in an options object when you create a new IntersectionObserver instance. This effectively gives elements a buffer, which triggers lazy loading behavior before the element is in the viewport:

let lazyImageObserver = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries, observer) {
  // lazy-loading image code goes here
}, {
  rootMargin: "0px 0px 256px 0px"

If the value for rootMargin looks similar to values you'd specify for a CSS margin property, that's because it is! In this case, the bottom margin of the observed element (the browser viewport by default, but this can be changed to a specific element using the root property) is broadened by 256 pixels. That means the callback function will execute when an image element is within 256 pixels of the viewport and the image will begin to load before the user actually sees it.

To achieve this same effect in browsers that don't support Intersection Observe, use scroll event handling code and adjust your getBoundingClientRect check to include a buffer.

Layout shifting and placeholders

Lazy loading media can cause shifting in the layout if placeholders aren't used. These changes can be disorienting for users and trigger expensive DOM layout operations that consume system resources and contribute to jank. At a minimum, consider using a solid color placeholder occupying the same dimensions as the target image, or techniques such as LQIP or SQIP that hint at the content of a media item before it loads.

For <img> tags, src should initially point to a placeholder until that attribute is updated with the final image URL. Use the poster attribute in a <video> element to point to a placeholder image. Additionally, use width and height attributes on both <img> and <video> tags. This ensures that transitioning from placeholders to final images won't change the rendered size of the element as media loads.

Image decoding delays

Loading large images in JavaScript and dropping them into the DOM can tie up the main thread, causing the user interface to be unresponsive for a short period of time while decoding occurs. Asynchronously decoding images using the decode method prior to inserting them into the DOM can cut down on this sort of jank, but beware: It's not available everywhere yet, and it adds complexity to lazy loading logic. If you want to use it, you'll need to check for it. Below shows how you might use Image.decode() with a fallback:

var newImage = new Image();
newImage.src = "my-awesome-image.jpg";

if ("decode" in newImage) {
  // Fancy decoding logic
  newImage.decode().then(function() {
} else {
  // Regular image load

Check out this CodePen link to see code similar to this example in action. If most of your images are fairly small, this may not do much for you, but it can certainly help cut down on jank when lazy loading large images and inserting them into the DOM.

When stuff doesn't load

Sometimes media resources fail to load for one reason or another and errors occur. When might this happen? It depends, but here's one hypothetical scenario for you: You have an HTML caching policy for a short period of time (e.g., five minutes), and the user visits the site or a user has a left a stale tab open for a long period of time (e.g., several hours) and comes back to read your content. At some point in this process, a redeployment occurs. During this deployment, an image resource's name changes due to hash-based versioning, or is removed altogether. By the time the user lazy-loads the image, the resource is unavailable, and thus fails.

While these are relatively rare occurrences, it may behoove you to have a backup plan if lazy loading fails. For images, such a solution may look something like this:

var newImage = new Image();
newImage.src = "my-awesome-image.jpg";

newImage.onerror = function(){
  // Decide what to do on error
newImage.onload = function(){
  // Load the image

What you decide to do in the event of an error depends on your application. For example, you could replace the image placeholder area with a button that allows the user to attempt to load the image again, or simply display an error message in the image placeholder area.

Other scenarios could arise as well. Whatever you do, it's never a bad idea to signal to the user when an error has occurred, and possibly give them an action to take if something goes awry.

JavaScript availability

It shouldn't be assumed that JavaScript is always available. If you're going to lazy-load images, consider offering <noscript> markup that will show images in case JavaScript is unavailable. The simplest possible fallback example involves using <noscript> elements to serve images if JavaScript is turned off:

I'm an image!

If JavaScript is turned off, users will see both the placeholder image and the image contained with the <noscript> elements. To get around this, place a class of no-js on the <html> tag like so:

<html class="no-js">

Then place one line of inline script in the <head> before any style sheets are requested via <link> tags that removes the no-js class from the <html> element if JavaScript is on:


Finally, use some CSS to hide elements with a class of lazy when JavaScript is unavailable:

.no-js .lazy {
  display: none;

This doesn't prevent placeholder images from loading, but the outcome is more desirable. People with JavaScript turned off get something more than placeholder images, which is better than placeholders and no meaningful image content at all.