Android payment app developers guide

Learn how to adapt your Android payment app to work with Web Payments and provide a better user experience for customers.

The Payment Request API brings to the web a built-in browser-based interface that allows users to enter required payment information easier than ever before. The API can also invoke platform-specific payment apps.

Browser Support

  • Chrome: 60.
  • Edge: 15.
  • Firefox: behind a flag.
  • Safari: 11.1.


Checkout flow with platform-specific Google Pay app that uses Web Payments.

Compared to using just Android Intents, Web Payments allow better integration with the browser, security, and user experience:

  • The payment app is launched as a modal, in context of the merchant website.
  • Implementation is supplemental to your existing payment app, enabling you to take advantage of your user base.
  • The payment app's signature is checked to prevent sideloading.
  • Payment apps can support multiple payment methods.
  • Any payment method, such as cryptocurrency, bank transfers, and more, can be integrated. Payment apps on Android devices can even integrate methods that require access to the hardware chip on the device.

It takes four steps to implement Web Payments in an Android payment app:

  1. Let merchants discover your payment app.
  2. Let a merchant know if a customer has an enrolled instrument (such as credit card) that is ready to pay.
  3. Let a customer make payment.
  4. Verify the caller's signing certificate.

To see Web Payments in action, check out the android-web-payment demo.

Step 1: Let merchants discover your payment app

In order for a merchant to use your payment app, they need to use the Payment Request API and specify the payment method you support using the payment method identifier.

If you have a payment method identifier that is unique to your payment app, you can set up your own payment method manifest so browsers can discover your app.

Step 2: Let a merchant know if a customer has an enrolled instrument that is ready to pay

The merchant can call hasEnrolledInstrument() to query whether the customer is able to make a payment. You can implement IS_READY_TO_PAY as an Android service to answer this query.


Declare your service with an intent filter with the action org.chromium.intent.action.IS_READY_TO_PAY.

    <action android:name="org.chromium.intent.action.IS_READY_TO_PAY" />

The IS_READY_TO_PAY service is optional. If there's no such intent handler in the payment app, then the web browser assumes that the app can always make payments.


The API for the IS_READY_TO_PAY service is defined in AIDL. Create two AIDL files with the following content:


package org.chromium;
interface IsReadyToPayServiceCallback {
    oneway void handleIsReadyToPay(boolean isReadyToPay);


package org.chromium;
import org.chromium.IsReadyToPayServiceCallback;

interface IsReadyToPayService {
    oneway void isReadyToPay(IsReadyToPayServiceCallback callback);

Implementing IsReadyToPayService

The simplest implementation of IsReadyToPayService is shown in the following example:

class SampleIsReadyToPayService : Service() {
  private val binder = object : IsReadyToPayService.Stub() {
    override fun isReadyToPay(callback: IsReadyToPayServiceCallback?) {

  override fun onBind(intent: Intent?): IBinder? {
    return binder


The service can send its response via handleIsReadyToPay(Boolean) method.



You can use Binder.getCallingUid() to check who the caller is. Note that you have to do this in the isReadyToPay method, not in the onBind method.

override fun isReadyToPay(callback: IsReadyToPayServiceCallback?) {
  try {
    val callingPackage = packageManager.getNameForUid(Binder.getCallingUid())
    // …

See Verify the caller's signing certificate about how to verify that the calling package has the right signature.

Step 3: Let a customer make payment

The merchant calls show() to launch the payment app so the customer can make a payment. The payment app is invoked via an Android intent PAY with transaction information in the intent parameters.

The payment app responds with methodName and details, which are payment app specific and are opaque to the browser. The browser converts the details string into a JavaScript object for the merchant via JSON deserialization, but does not enforce any validity beyond that. The browser does not modify the details; that parameter's value is passed directly to the merchant.


The activity with the PAY intent filter should have a <meta-data> tag that identifies the default payment method identifier for the app.

To support multiple payment methods, add a <meta-data> tag with a <string-array> resource.

    <action android:name="org.chromium.intent.action.PAY" />

    android:value="" />
    android:resource="@array/method_names" />

The resource must be a list of strings, each of which must be a valid, absolute URL with an HTTPS scheme as shown here.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <string-array name="method_names">


The following parameters are passed to the activity as Intent extras:

  • methodNames
  • methodData
  • topLevelOrigin
  • topLevelCertificateChain
  • paymentRequestOrigin
  • total
  • modifiers
  • paymentRequestId
val extras: Bundle? = intent?.extras


The names of the methods being used. The elements are the keys in the methodData dictionary. These are the methods that the payment app supports.

val methodNames: List<String>? = extras.getStringArrayList("methodNames")


A mapping from each of the methodNames to the methodData.

val methodData: Bundle? = extras.getBundle("methodData")


The contents of the <title> HTML tag of the merchant's checkout page (the browser's top-level browsing context).

val merchantName: String? = extras.getString("merchantName")


The merchant's origin without the scheme (The scheme-less origin of the top-level browsing context). For example, is passed as

val topLevelOrigin: String? = extras.getString("topLevelOrigin")


The merchant's certificate chain (The certificate chain of the top-level browsing context). Null for localhost and file on disk, which are both secure contexts without SSL certificates. Each Parcelable is a Bundle with a certificate key and a byte array value.

val topLevelCertificateChain: Array<Parcelable>? =
val list: List<ByteArray>? = topLevelCertificateChain?.mapNotNull { p ->
  (p as Bundle).getByteArray("certificate")


The scheme-less origin of the iframe browsing context that invoked the new PaymentRequest(methodData, details, options) constructor in JavaScript. If the constructor was invoked from the top-level context, then the value of this parameter equals the value of topLevelOrigin parameter.

val paymentRequestOrigin: String? = extras.getString("paymentRequestOrigin")


The JSON string representing the total amount of the transaction.

val total: String? = extras.getString("total")

Here's an example content of the string:



The output of JSON.stringify(details.modifiers), where details.modifiers contain only supportedMethods and total.


The field that "push-payment" apps should associate with the transaction state. Merchant websites will use this field to query the "push-payment" apps for the state of transaction out of band.

val paymentRequestId: String? = extras.getString("paymentRequestId")


The activity can send its response back through setResult with RESULT_OK.

setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, Intent().apply {
  putExtra("methodName", "")
  putExtra("details", "{\"token\": \"put-some-data-here\"}")

You must specify two parameters as Intent extras:

  • methodName: The name of the method being used.
  • details: JSON string containing information necessary for the merchant to complete the transaction. If success is true, then details must be constructed in such a way that JSON.parse(details) will succeed.

You can pass RESULT_CANCELED if the transaction was not completed in the payment app, for example, if the user failed to type in the correct PIN code for their account in the payment app. The browser may let the user choose a different payment app.


If the activity result of a payment response received from the invoked payment app is set to RESULT_OK, then Chrome will check for non-empty methodName and details in its extras. If the validation fails Chrome will return a rejected promise from with one of the following developer facing error messages:

'Payment app returned invalid response. Missing field "details".'
'Payment app returned invalid response. Missing field "methodName".'


The activity can check the caller with its getCallingPackage() method.

val caller: String? = callingPackage

The final step is to verify the caller's signing certificate to confirm that the calling package has the right signature.

Step 4: Verify the caller's signing certificate

You can check the caller's package name with Binder.getCallingUid() in IS_READY_TO_PAY, and with Activity.getCallingPackage() in PAY. In order to actually verify that the caller is the browser you have in mind, you should check its signing certificate and make sure that it matches with the correct value.

If you're targeting API level 28 and above and are integrating with a browser that has a single signing certificate, you can use PackageManager.hasSigningCertificate().

val packageName: String = … // The caller's package name
val certificate: ByteArray = … // The correct signing certificate.
val verified = packageManager.hasSigningCertificate(

PackageManager.hasSigningCertificate() is preferred for single certificate browsers, because it correctly handles certificate rotation. (Chrome has a single signing certificate.) Apps that have multiple signing certificates cannot rotate them.

If you need to support older API levels 27 and below, or if you need to handle browsers with multiple signing certificates, you can use PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES.

val packageName: String = … // The caller's package name
val certificates: Set<ByteArray> = … // The correct set of signing certificates

val packageInfo = getPackageInfo(packageName, PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES)
val sha256 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256")
val signatures = { sha256.digest(it.toByteArray()) }
val verified = signatures.size == certificates.size &&
    signatures.all { s -> certificates.any { it.contentEquals(s) } }