ResizeObserver: it's like document.onresize for elements

ResizeObserver lets you know when an element's size changes.

Before ResizeObserver, you had to attach a listener to the document's resize event to get notified of any change of the viewport's dimensions. In the event handler, you would then have to figure out which elements have been affected by that change and call a specific routine to react appropriately. If you needed the new dimensions of an element after a resize, you had to call getBoundingClientRect() or getComputedStyle(), which can cause layout thrashing if you don't take care of batching all your reads and all your writes.

This didn't even cover cases where elements change their size without the main window having been resized. For example, appending new children, setting an element's display style to none, or similar actions can change the size of an element, its siblings, or its ancestors.

This is why ResizeObserver is a useful primitive. It reacts to changes in size of any of the observed elements, independent of what caused the change. It provides access to the new size of the observed elements too.

Browser Support

  • Chrome: 64.
  • Edge: 79.
  • Firefox: 69.
  • Safari: 13.1.



All the APIs with the Observer suffix we mentioned above share a simple API design. ResizeObserver is no exception. You create a ResizeObserver object and pass a callback to the constructor. The callback is passed an array of ResizeObserverEntry objects—one entry per observed element—which contains the new dimensions for the element.

var ro = new ResizeObserver(entries => {
  for (let entry of entries) {
    const cr = entry.contentRect;

    console.log(`Element size: ${cr.width}px x ${cr.height}px`);
    console.log(`Element padding: ${}px ; ${cr.left}px`);

// Observe one or multiple elements

Some details

What is being reported?

Generally, a ResizeObserverEntry reports the content box of an element through a property called contentRect, which returns a DOMRectReadOnly object. The content box is the box in which content can be placed. It is the border box minus the padding.

A diagram of the CSS box model.

It's important to note that while ResizeObserver reports both the dimensions of the contentRect and the padding, it only watches the contentRect. Don't confuse contentRect with the bounding box of the element. The bounding box, as reported by getBoundingClientRect(), is the box that contains the entire element and its descendants. SVGs are an exception to the rule, where ResizeObserver will report the dimensions of the bounding box.

As of Chrome 84, ResizeObserverEntry has three new properties to provide more detailed information. Each of these properties returns a ResizeObserverSize object containing a blockSize property and an inlineSize property. This information is about the observered element at the time the callback is invoked.

  • borderBoxSize
  • contentBoxSize
  • devicePixelContentBoxSize

All of these items return read-only arrays because in the future it's hoped that they can support elements that have multiple fragments, which occur in multi-column scenarios. For now, these arrays will only contain one element.

Platform support for these properties is limited, but Firefox already supports the first two.

When is it being reported?

The spec proscribes that ResizeObserver should process all resize events before paint and after layout. This makes the callback of a ResizeObserver the ideal place to make changes to your page's layout. Because ResizeObserver processing happens between layout and paint, doing so will only invalidate layout, not paint.


You might be asking yourself: what happens if I change the size of an observed element inside the callback to ResizeObserver? The answer is: you will trigger another call to the callback right away. Fortunately, ResizeObserver has a mechanism to avoid infinite callback loops and cyclic dependencies. Changes will only be processed in the same frame if the resized element is deeper in the DOM tree than the shallowest element processed in the previous callback. Otherwise, they'll get deferred to the next frame.


One thing that ResizeObserver allows you to do is to implement per-element media queries. By observing elements, you can imperatively define your design breakpoints and change an element's styles. In the following example, the second box will change its border radius according to its width.

const ro = new ResizeObserver(entries => {
  for (let entry of entries) { =
        Math.max(0, 250 - entry.contentRect.width) + 'px';
// Only observe the second box

Another interesting example to look at is a chat window. The problem that arises in a typical top-to-bottom conversation layout is scroll positioning. To avoid confusing the user, it is helpful if the window sticks to the bottom of the conversation, where the newest messages appear. Additionally, any kind of layout change (think of a phone going from landscape to portrait or vice versa) should achieve the same.

ResizeObserver allows you to write a single piece of code that takes care of both scenarios. Resizing the window is an event that a ResizeObserver can capture by definition, but calling appendChild() also resizes that element (unlessoverflow: hidden is set), because it needs to make space for the new elements. With this in mind, it takes very few lines to achieve the desired effect:

const ro = new ResizeObserver(entries => {
  document.scrollingElement.scrollTop =

// Observe the scrollingElement for when the window gets resized

// Observe the timeline to process new messages

Pretty neat, huh?

From here, I could add more code to handle the case where the user has scrolled up manually and wants scrolling to stick to that message when a new message comes in.

Another use case is for any kind of custom element that is doing its own layout. Until ResizeObserver, there was no reliable way to get notified when its dimensions change so its children can be laid out again.

Effects on Interaction to Next Paint (INP)

Interaction to Next Paint (INP) is a metric that measures the overall responsiveness of a page to user interactions. If a page's INP is in the "good" threshold—that is, 200 milliseconds or less—it can said that a page is reliably responsive to the user's interactions with it.

While the amount of time it takes for event callbacks to run in response to a user interaction can contribute significantly to an interaction's total latency, that's not the only aspect of INP to consider. INP also considers the amount of time it takes for the next paint of the interaction to occur. This is the amount of time it takes for the rendering work required to update the user interface in response to an interaction to complete.

Where ResizeObserver is concerned, this is important because the callback that an ResizerObserver instance runs occurs just prior to rendering work. This is by design, as the work that occurs in the callback has to be taken into account, as the result of that work will very likely require a change to the user interface.

Take care to do as little rendering work as required in a ResizeObserver callback, as excessive rendering work can create situations where the browser is delayed in doing important work. For example, if any interaction has a callback that causes a ResizeObserver callback to run, ensure you're doing the following to facilitate the smoothest possible experience:

  • Ensure your CSS selectors are as simple as possible in order to avoid excessive style recalculation work. Style recalculations occur just prior to layout, and complex CSS selectors can delay layout operations.
  • Avoid doing any work in your ResizeObserver callback that can triggers forced reflows.
  • The time required to update a page's layout generally increases with the number of DOM elements on a page. While this is true whether or not pages use ResizeObserver, the work done in a ResizeObserver callback can become significant as a page's structural complexity increases.


ResizeObserver is available in all major browsers and provides an efficient way to monitor for element resizes at an element level. Just be cautious not to delay rendering too much with this powerful API.