How to query the Web Platform Dashboard for Baseline tooling

Published: March 4, 2025

Baseline was originated by the Chrome team and is now defined by the WebDX Community Group. Baseline brings clarity to features that are interoperable between browsers. It's designed to help you identify what features you can use—or can't use—across all major browser engines. However, you need a way to identify what those features are.

Thankfully, you have the ability to query which features are Baseline Newly or Widely available using the Web Platform Dashboard—which is powered by the web-features npm package. You can also access this information using its HTTP API to integrate Baseline data into your tooling workflow, and this guide explains how.

The Web Platform Dashboard's relevant Baseline query grammar

The Web Platform dashboard uses a specific query grammar to help you search web feature support. You can use this query grammar directly on the dashboard itself.

A list of features on the Web Platform Status dashboard, showing the baseline_status query parameter in action to display Baseline Newly available features.
A listing of features on the Web Platform Dashboard. The list is based on a search that shows only Baseline Newly available features using the baseline_status:newly search query.

As you type in the search box at the top of the page, you'll be presented with a number of query parameters you can use to filter web features.

The autocomplete feature of the Web Platform Status Dashboard, showing an initial value of 'baseline', revealing all of the available query parameters beginning with that initial value.
d The search box on the Web Platform Status Dashboard will reveal available query parameters as you type. In this case, the autocomplete suggests Baseline-related parameters to filter by Baseline status, or even a date range.

The query grammar is expressive, giving you a lot of flexibility in how to filter the web features that are displayed on the dashboard. The following screenshot shows how the id query parameter can be used to narrow down to a specific feature:

The Web Platform status dashboard showing how to query support by feature in the search box by using the id parameter.
The id parameter in this example has a value of html, which indicates support for the <html> element, which is (unsurprisingly) Baseline Widely available.

The query grammar is documented—but knowing all of it is not required to find Baseline data for features. You can use any of these options on the dashboard, but here are some that are especially useful:

  • baseline_status: Use this parameter to filter features by three enumerated values:
    • limited: Returns features that have limited browser support. If you filter by this value, you'll only receive features that have not reached any Baseline status.
    • newly: Returns features that are Baseline Newly available.
    • widely: Returns features that are Baseline Widely available, which are features that have been Baseline for at least 30 months. These are features that you can expect to use without worrying about browser support or polyfills.
  • baseline_date: Uses a YYYY-MM-DD..YYYY-MM-DD format to specify an upper and lower bound for when features reached Baseline. For example, to find all features in the span of a year, use a value like 2024-01-01..2025-01-01.
  • id: The identifier for a given feature. These identifiers are defined in the web-features package. For example, the feature entry for Promise.try() maps to an ID of promise-try.
  • group: One of many enumerated group names for features. This is useful criteria if you only want to query for a certain subset of web platform features. For example, you could filter to a list of CSS features with a value of css.

While the dashboard frontend is certainly useful, it rests on top of an HTTP API that you can query directly. For example, here's an endpoint that gets all Baseline features that are Newly available:

The JSON response structure

The JSON response you receive from the HTTP API has a consistent shape for every feature. The response returned contains a data property at the top level. This property contains an array of all matching features. While this isn't exhaustive list of all the fields available in the JSON response, here are some useful ones when it comes to Baseline:

  • baseline: Contains general information about the Baseline status of a given feature, with the following subfields:
    • status: The Baseline status for a feature. Values can be either limited, newly, or widely. Note: this will be the only subfield if status has a value of limited.
    • low_date: This indicates the date on which the given feature became Baseline Newly available. This field only appears if status is either newly or widely.
    • high_date: This indicates the date on which the given feature became Baseline Widely available. This field is only available if status is widely.
  • feature_id: The ID for the feature. For example, for CSS grid, this would be a value of "grid".
  • name: The formatted name of the feature. This can be similar to feature_id in some cases, but is usually different. For example, the feature_id value for Promise.try() is "promise-try", whereas the name field for the same feature is "Promise.try()".
  • spec: This field contains a subfield named links, which is an array of links to specifications and other resources.

There are other fields, often containing information about when specific supporting browsers implemented the feature at which version, data about Web Platform Tests, and other things you may or may not care about.

Example queries

Now that you have a quick explanation of some of the available query parameters, take a look at some example queries that you can use in your tools and scripts to select web status features that could be useful for your workflow.

Get data for a single feature

A good way to get familiar with the API is to start with a basic example that gets data for a single web feature.

// Specify and encode the query for a query string:
const query = encodeURIComponent('id:grid');

// Construct the URL:
let url = `${query}`;

// Fetch the resource:
const response = await fetch(url);

if (response.ok) {
  // Convert the response to JSON:
  const { data } = await response.json();

  // Log data for each feature to the:

In this case, we specify an id parameter with a value of grid to get feature support information for CSS grid, which is Baseline Widely available. You could use this information, for example, to detect usage of the feature and let users know that they can use it in all modern browser engines without worrying about support.

This is just a start, though, and the HTTP API can do much more for you than get data for a single feature.

Get all Baseline Newly and Widely available features

Say you'd like to have a script that pulls in all features that are either Baseline Newly or Widely available. This could be useful, for example, if you have a script that runs on some interval and you'd like to get an updated list that changes as features emerge from limited availability to either Baseline status:

const query = encodeURIComponent('-baseline_status:limited');
let url = `${query}`;
const response = await fetch(url);

if (response.ok) {
  const { data } = await response.json();


This query doesn't get all Baseline Newly and Widely available features, but only the first 100. If the number of features retrieved exceeds this, there is a metadata field at the top level of the JSON response that can contain up to two subfields:

  • next_page_token: A string containing a token you can add to the query string of the GET request to the backend. When you use it and re-fetch data from the backend, it will return the next batch of matching features. Note: This field will be unavailable if the current query returns less than 100 results, or if the current query is at the end of the result set.
  • total: An integer indicating the total number of features available for the current query.

These fields are useful for pagination. With them, we can try the following code to get all of the results for a query that returns a large amount of data:

async function queryWebStatusDashboard (query, token) {
  const urlBase = '';
  let queryUrl = `${urlBase}${encodeURIComponent(query)}`;

  if (token) {
    queryUrl += `&page_token=${encodeURIComponent(token)}`;

  const response = await fetch(queryUrl);

  if (response.ok) {
    const { data, metadata } = await response.json();


    // See if there's a page token in this query:
    if ('next_page_token' in metadata) {
      const { next_page_token } = metadata;
      queryWebStatusDashboard(query, next_page_token);
    } else {
      console.log('All results collected');

// Make the first query, and if there are more
// than 100 entries, the function will run
// recursively until all features are fetched

Get all Baseline Newly available CSS features

Say you're an engineer with a special focus on CSS, and you're interested to know which CSS features become Baseline Newly available features. This is a perfect use case for the group query value, as well as how to use the AND operator when querying

const query = encodeURIComponent('baseline_status:newly AND group:css');
let url = `${query}`;
const response = await fetch(url);

if (response.ok) {
  const { data } = await response.json();


When specifying a value of css for group, you can query for all Baseline Newly available features. If you wanted to expand the scope to include Baseline Widely available CSS features as well, you could use the approach from the last code sample and use the negation operator with a query such as -baseline_status:limited AND group:css'.

Another field you can query is the snapshot field, which is useful for finding JavaScript features that are part of a specific set of ECMAScript features. The following code checks for all Baseline Newly available features that are part of the ecmascript-2023 snapshot:

const query = encodeURIComponent('baseline_status:newly AND snapshot:ecmascript-2023');
let url = `${query}`;
const response = await fetch(url);

if (response.ok) {
  const { data } = await response.json();


Get all Baseline features within a date range

The baseline_date field can be queried to find all features that became Baseline within a specific date range:

const query = encodeURIComponent('baseline_status:widely AND baseline_date:2022-01-01..2022-12-31 AND group:css');
let url = `${query}`;
const response = await fetch(url);

if (response.ok) {
  const { data } = await response.json();


The preceding code sample will query for CSS features that became Baseline Widely available at any point in 2022. The query syntax for baseline_date lets you specify a beginning and ending date, separated by ...


The queries in this guide are meant to be a starting point for you to begin experimenting with how to query the backend. With any number of available query parameters, you should be able to get results that are specific to your application.

Knowing how to query the Web Platform Dashboard's HTTP API gives you the ability to build tools that might be useful for your work, and keep you informed as to whether the features you want to use for your project have broad enough browser support. This means you can build web applications using modern browser features that you can safely use, providing a much more enjoyable developer experience.