Project structure, lifecycle, and bundling

Mini app project structure

As before with the markup languages, the styling languages, and the components; with the mini app project structure, too, the details like the file extensions or the default names vary. The overall idea, though, is the same for all super app providers. The project structure always consists of:

  • A root file app.js that initializes the mini app.
  • A configuration file app.json that roughly corresponds to a web app manifest.
  • An optional common style sheet file app.css with shared default styles.
  • A project.config.json file that contains build information.

All the pages are stored in individual subfolders in a pages folder. Each page subfolder contains a CSS file, a JS file, an HTML file, and an optional configuration JSON file. All files must be named like their containing folder, apart from the file extensions. Like that, the mini app just needs a pointer to the directory in the app.json file (the manifest-like file), and can find all subresources dynamically. From the perspective of a web developer, mini apps are thus multi page apps.

├── app.js               # Initialization logic
├── app.json             # Common configuration
├── app.css              # Common style sheet
├── project.config.json  # Project configuration
└── pages                # List of pages
   ├── index               # Home page
      ├── index.css         # Page style sheet
      ├── index.js          # Page logic
      ├── index.json        # Page configuration
      └── index.html        # Page markup
   └── other               # Other page
       ├── other.css         # Page style sheet
       ├── other.js          # Page logic
       ├── other.json        # Page configuration
       └── other.html        # Page markup

Mini app lifecycle

A mini app must be registered with the super app by calling the globally defined App() method. Referring to the project structure outlined before, this happens in app.js. The mini app lifecycle essentially consists of four events: launch, show, hide, and error. Handlers for these events can be passed to the App() method in the form of a configuration object, which can also contain a globalData property that holds data that should be globally available across all pages.

/* app.js */
  onLaunch(options) {
    // Do something when the app is launched initially.
  onShow(options) {
    // Do something when the app is shown.
  onHide() {
    // Do something when the app is hidden.
  onError(msg) {
  globalData: "I am global data",

As usual, the individual details vary, but the concept is the same for WeChat, Alipay, Baidu, ByteDance, and also Quick App.

Page lifecycle

Similar to the app lifecycle, the page lifecycle, too, has lifecycle events that the developer can listen for and react upon. These core events are load, show, ready, hide, and unload. Some platforms offer additional events like pulldownrefresh. Setting up the event handlers happens in the Page() method that is defined for each page. For the index or the other pages from the project structure before, this would happen in index.js or other.js respectively.

/* index.js */
  data: {
    text: "This is page data.",
  onLoad: function (options) {
    // Do something when the page is initially loaded.
  onShow: function () {
    // Do something when the page is shown.
  onReady: function () {
    // Do something when the page is ready.
  onHide: function () {
    // Do something when the page is hidden.
  onUnload: function () {
    // Do something when the page is closed.
  onPullDownRefresh: function () {
    // Do something when the user pulls down to refresh.
  onReachBottom: function () {
    // Do something when the user scrolls to the bottom.
  onShareAppMessage: function () {
    // Do something when the user shares the page.
  onPageScroll: function () {
    // Do something when the user scrolls the page.
  onResize: function () {
    // Do something when the user resizes the page.
  onTabItemTap(item) {
    // Do something when the user taps the page's tab.
  customData: {
    foo: "bar",

The build process

The build process of mini apps is abstracted away from the developer. Under the hood, it is using industry tools like the Babel compiler for transpilation and minification and the postcss CSS transformer. The build experience is comparable to that of Next.js or create-react-app, where developers, if they explicitly choose not to, never touch the build parameters. The resulting processed files are finally signed, encrypted, and packaged in one or several (sub)packages that then get uploaded to the servers of the super app providers. Subpackages are meant for lazy loading, so a mini app does not have to be downloaded all at once. The packaging details are meant to be private and are not documented, but some package formats like WeChat's wxapkg format have been reverse-engineered.


This article was reviewed by Joe Medley, Kayce Basques, Milica Mihajlija, Alan Kent, and Keith Gu.