Configuring HTTP caching behavior

This codelab shows you how to change the HTTP caching headers returned by a Node.js-based web server, running the Express serving framework. It will also show how to confirm that the caching behavior you expect is actually being applied, using the Network panel in Chrome's DevTools.

Get familiar with the sample project

These are the key files you will be working with in the sample project:

  • server.js contains the Node.js code that serves the web app's content. It uses Express to handle HTTP requests and responses. In particular, express.static() is used to serve all of the local files in the public directory, so the serve-static documentation will come in handy.
  • public/index.html is the web app's HTML. Like most HTML files, it does not contain any versioning information as part of its URL.
  • public/app.15261a07.js and public/style.391484cf.css are the web app's JavaScript and CSS assets. These files each contain a hash in their URLs, corresponding to their contents. The index.html is responsible for keeping track of which specific versioned URL to load.

Configure caching headers for our HTML

When responding to requests for URLs that don't contain versioning info, make sure you add Cache-Control: no-cache to your response messages. Along with that, setting one of two additional response headers is recommended: either Last-Modified or ETag. The index.html falls into this category. You can break this down into two steps.

First, the Last-Modified and ETag headers are controlled by the etag and lastModified configuration options. Both of these options actually default to true for all HTTP responses, so in this current setup, you don't have to opt-in to get that behavior. But you can be explicit in your configuration anyway.

Second, you need to be able to add in the Cache-Control: no-cache header, but only for your HTML documents (index.html, in this case). The easiest way to conditionally set this header is to write a custom setHeaders function, and within that, check to see if the incoming request is for an HTML document.

  • Click Remix to Edit to make the project editable.

The static serving configuration in server.js starts out as this:

  • Make the changes described above, and you should end up with something that looks like:
app.use(express.static('public', {
  etag: true, // Just being explicit about the default.
  lastModified: true,  // Just being explicit about the default.
  setHeaders: (res, path) => {
    if (path.endsWith('.html')) {
      // All of the project's HTML files end in .html
      res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache');

Configure caching headers for the versioned URLs

When responding to requests for URLs that contain "fingerprint" or versioning information, and whose contents are never meant to change, add Cache-Control: max-age=31536000 to your responses. The app.15261a07.js and style.391484cf.css fall into this category.

Building off the setHeaders function used in the last step, you can add in additional logic to check whether a given request is for a versioned URL, and if so, add the Cache-Control: max-age=31536000 header.

The most robust way of doing this is to use a regular expression to see whether the asset being requested matches a specific pattern that you know the hashes fall into. In the case of this sample project, it's always eight characters from the set of digits 0–9 and the lowercase letters a–f (i.e. hexadecimal characters). The hash is always separated by a . character on either side.

A regular expression that matches those general rules can be expressed as new RegExp('\\.[0-9a-f]{8}\\.').

  • Modify the setHeaders function so it looks like this:
app.use(express.static('public', {
  etag: true, // Just being explicit about the default.
  lastModified: true,  // Just being explicit about the default.
  setHeaders: (res, path) => {
    const hashRegExp = new RegExp('\\.[0-9a-f]{8}\\.');

    if (path.endsWith('.html')) {
      // All of the project's HTML files end in .html
      res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache');
    } else if (hashRegExp.test(path)) {
      // If the RegExp matched, then we have a versioned URL.
      res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'max-age=31536000');

Confirm the new behavior using DevTools

With the modifications to the static file server in place, you can check to make sure that the right headers are being set by previewing the live app with the DevTools Network panel open.

  • To preview the site, press View App. Then press Fullscreen fullscreen.

  • Customize the columns that are displayed in the Network panel to include the information that is most relevant, by right-clicking in the column header:

Configuring DevTools' Network panel.

Here, the columns to pay attention to are Name, Status, Cache-Control, ETag, and Last-Modified.

  • With the DevTools open to the Network panel, refresh the page.

After the page has loaded, you should see entries in the Network panel that look like the following:

Network panel columns.

The first row is for the HTML document that you navigated to. This is properly served with Cache-Control: no-cache. The HTTP response status for that request is a 304. This means that the browser knew not to use the cached HTML immediately, but instead made an HTTP request to the web server, using the Last-Modified and ETag information to see if there was any update to the HTML that it already had in its cache. The HTTP 304 response indicates that there is not updated HTML.

The next two rows are for the versioned JavaScript and CSS assets. You should see them served with Cache-Control: max-age=31536000, and the HTTP status for each is 200. Because of the configuration used, there is no actual request being made to the Node.js server, and clicking on the entry will show you additional detail, including that the response came "(from disk cache)".

A network response status of 200.

The actual values for the ETag and Last-Modified columns don't matter much. The important thing is to confirm that they're being set.

Summing things up

Having gone through the steps in this codelab, you're now familiar with how to configure the HTTP response headers in a Node.js-based web server using Express, for optimal use of the HTTP cache. You also have the steps you need to confirm that the expected caching behavior is being used, via the Network panel in Chrome's DevTools.