Game Menu

This pattern shows how to create a mouse and keyboard accessible 3D game menu.

Full article · Video on YouTube · Source on Github

<ul class="threeD-button-set">
  <li><button>New Game</button></li>

        body {
  perspective: 40vw;

.threeD-button-set {
  --distance: 1px;
  --theme: hsl(180 100% 50%);
  --theme-bg: hsl(180 100% 50% / 25%);
  --theme-bg-hover: hsl(180 100% 50% / 40%);
  --theme-text: white;
  --theme-shadow: hsl(180 100% 10% / 25%);

  --_max-rotateY: 10deg;
  --_max-rotateX: 15deg;
  --_btn-bg: var(--theme-bg);
  --_btn-bg-hover: var(--theme-bg-hover);
  --_btn-text: var(--theme-text);
  --_btn-text-shadow: var(--theme-shadow);
  --_bounce-ease: cubic-bezier(.5, 1.75, .75, 1.25);

  /* remove 
    margins */ margin: 0; /* vertical rag-right layout */ display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: flex-start; gap: 2.5vh; /* create 3D space context */ transform-style: preserve-3d; /* clamped menu rotation to not be too extreme */ transform: rotateY( clamp( calc(var(--_max-rotateY) * -1), var(--y), var(--_max-rotateY) ) ) rotateX( clamp( calc(var(--_max-rotateX) * -1), var(--x), var(--_max-rotateX) ) ) ; /* removes Safari focus ring on
      after button interaction */ &:focus { outline: none; } @media (--motionOK) { will-change: transform; transition: transform .1s ease; animation: rotate-y 5s ease-in-out infinite; } @media (--dark) { --theme: hsl(255 53% 50%); --theme-bg: hsl(255 53% 71% / 25%); --theme-bg-hover: hsl(255 53% 50% / 40%); --theme-shadow: hsl(255 53% 10% / 25%); } @media (--HDcolor) { @supports (color: color(display-p3 0 0 0)) { --theme: color(display-p3 .4 0 .9); } } } .threeD-button-set > li { /* change display type from list-item */ display: inline-flex; /* create context for button pseudos */ position: relative; /* create 3D space context */ transform-style: preserve-3d; } .threeD-button-set button { /* strip out default button styles */ appearance: none; outline: none; border: none; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; /* bring in brand styles via props */ background-color: var(--_btn-bg); color: var(--_btn-text); text-shadow: 0 1px 1px var(--_btn-text-shadow); font-size: min(5vmin, 3rem); font-family: Audiowide; padding-block: .75ch; padding-inline: 2ch; border-radius: 5px 20px; /* prepare for 3D perspective transforms */ transform: translateZ(var(--distance)); transform-style: preserve-3d; &:is(:hover, :focus-visible):not(:active) { /* subtle distance plus bg color change on hover/focus */ --distance: 15px; background-color: var(--_btn-bg-hover); /* if motion is OK, setup transitions and increase distance */ @media (--motionOK) { --distance: 3vmax; transition-timing-function: var(--_bounce-ease); transition-duration: .4s; &::after { transition-duration: .5s } &::before { transition-duration: .3s } } } &::after, &::before { /* create empty element */ content: ''; opacity: .8; /* cover the parent (button) */ position: absolute; inset: 0; /* style the element for border accents */ border: 1px solid var(--theme); border-radius: 5px 20px; /* move in Z space with a multiplier */ transform: translateZ(calc(var(--distance) / 3)); /* if motion is OK, transition the Z space move */ @media (--motionOK) { transition: transform .1s ease-out; } } /* exceptions for one of the pseudo elements */ /* this will be pushed back and have a thicker border */ &::before { border-width: 3px; transform: translateZ(calc(var(--distance) / 3 * -1)); /* in dark mode, it glows! */ @media (--dark) { box-shadow: 0 0 25px var(--theme), inset 0 0 25px var(--theme); } } @media (--motionOK) { will-change: transform; transition: transform .2s ease, background-color .5s ease; } } @keyframes rotate-y { 50% { transform: rotateY(15deg) rotateX(-6deg); } }

        import {rovingIndex} from ''
const menu = document.querySelector('.threeD-button-set')
const menuRect = menu.getBoundingClientRect()

const { matches:motionOK } = window.matchMedia(
  '(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)'

  element: document.querySelector('.threeD-button-set'),
  target: 'button',

if (motionOK) {
  window.addEventListener('mousemove', ({target, clientX, clientY}) => {
    const {dx,dy} = getAngles(clientX, clientY)'--x', `${dy / 20}deg`)'--y', `${dx / 20}deg`)

const getAngles = (clientX, clientY) => {
  const { x, y, width, height } = menuRect 
  const dx = clientX - (x + 0.5 * width)
  const dy = clientY - (y + 0.5 * height)
  return {dx,dy}