Shadow DOM 201

CSS and styling

This article discusses more of the amazing things you can do with Shadow DOM. It builds on the concepts discussed in Shadow DOM 101. If you're looking for an introduction, see that article.


Let's face it. There's nothing sexy about unstyled markup. Lucky for us, the brilliant folks behind Web Components foresaw this and didn't leave us hanging. The CSS Scoping Module defines many options for styling content in a shadow tree.

Style encapsulation

One of the core features of Shadow DOM is the shadow boundary. It has a lot of nice properties, but one of the best is that it provides style encapsulation for free. Stated another way:

<div><h3>Light DOM</h3></div>
var root = document.querySelector('div').createShadowRoot();
root.innerHTML = `
    h3 {
      color: red;
  <h3>Shadow DOM</h3>

There are two interesting observations about this demo:

  • There are other h3s on this page, but the only one that matches the h3 selector, and therefore styled red, is the one in the ShadowRoot. Again, scoped styles by default.
  • Other styles rules defined on this page that target h3s don't bleed into my content. That's because selectors don't cross the shadow boundary.

Moral of the story? We have style encapsulation from the outside world. Thanks Shadow DOM!

Styling the host element

The :host allows you to select and style the element hosting a shadow tree:

<button class="red">My Button</button>
var button = document.querySelector('button');
var root = button.createShadowRoot();
root.innerHTML = `
    :host {
      text-transform: uppercase;

One gotcha is that rules in the parent page have higher specificity than :host rules defined in the element, but lower specificity than a style attribute defined on the host element. This allows users to override your styling from the outside. :host also only works in the context of a ShadowRoot so you can't use it outside of Shadow DOM.

The functional form of :host(<selector>) allows you to target the host element if it matches a <selector>.

Example - match only if the element itself has the class .different (e.g. <x-foo class="different"></x-foo>):

:host(.different) {

Reacting to user states

A common use case for :host is when you're creating a Custom Element and want to react to different user states (:hover, :focus, :active, etc.).

  :host {
    opacity: 0.4;
    transition: opacity 420ms ease-in-out;
  :host(:hover) {
    opacity: 1;
  :host(:active) {
    position: relative;
    top: 3px;
    left: 3px;

Theming an element

The :host-context(<selector>) pseudo class matches the host element if it or any of its ancestors matches <selector>.

A common use of :host-context() is for theming an element based on its surrounds. For example, many people do theming by applying a class to <html> or <body>:

<body class="different">

You can :host-context(.different) to style <x-foo> when it's a descendant of an element with the class .different:

:host-context(.different) {
  color: red;

This gives you the ability encapsulate style rules in an element's Shadow DOM that uniquely style it, based on its context.

Support multiple host types from within one shadow root

Another use for :host is if you're creating a theming library and want to support styling many types of host elements from within the same Shadow DOM.

:host(x-foo) {
    /* Applies if the host is a <x-foo> element.*/

:host(x-foo:host) {
    /* Same as above. Applies if the host is a <x-foo> element. */

:host(div) {
    /* Applies if the host element is a <div>. */

Styling Shadow DOM internals from the outside

The ::shadow pseudo-element and /deep/ combinator are like having a Vorpal sword of CSS authority. They allow piercing through Shadow DOM's boundary to style elements within shadow trees.

The ::shadow pseudo-element

If an element has at least one shadow tree, the ::shadow pseudo-element matches the shadow root itself. It allows you to write selectors that style nodes internal to an element's shadow dom.

For example, if an element is hosting a shadow root, you can write #host::shadow span {} to style all of the spans within its shadow tree.

  #host::shadow span {
    color: red;

<div id="host">
  <span>Light DOM</span>

  var host = document.querySelector('div');
  var root = host.createShadowRoot();
  root.innerHTML = `
    <span>Shadow DOM</span>

Example (custom elements) - <x-tabs> has <x-panel> children in its Shadow DOM. Each panel hosts its own shadow tree containing h2 headings. To style those headings from the main page, one could write:

x-tabs::shadow x-panel::shadow h2 {

The /deep/ combinator

The /deep/ combinator is similar to ::shadow, but more powerful. It completely ignores all shadow boundaries and crosses into any number of shadow trees. Put simply, /deep/ allows you to drill into an element's guts and target any node.

The /deep/ combinator is particularly useful in the world of Custom Elements where it's common to have multiple levels of Shadow DOM. Prime examples are nesting a bunch of custom elements (each hosting their own shadow tree) or creating an element that inherits from another using <shadow>.

Example (custom elements) - select all <x-panel> elements that are descendants of <x-tabs>, anywhere in the tree:

x-tabs /deep/ x-panel {

Example - style all elements with the class .library-theme, anywhere in a shadow tree:

body /deep/ .library-theme {

Working with querySelector()

Just like .shadowRoot opens shadow trees up for DOM traversal, the combinators open shadow trees for selector traversal. Instead of writing a nested chain of madness, you can write a single statement:

// No fun.

// Fun.
document.querySelector('x-tabs::shadow x-panel::shadow #foo');

Styling native elements

Native HTML controls are a challenge to style. Many people simply give up and roll their own. However, with ::shadow and /deep/, any element in the web platform that uses Shadow DOM can be styled. Great examples are the <input> types and <video>:

video /deep/ input[type="range"] {
  background: hotpink;

Creating style hooks

Customization is good. In certain cases, you may want to poke holes in your Shadow's styling shield and create hooks for others to style.

Using ::shadow and /deep/

There's a lot of power behind /deep/. It gives component authors a way to designate individual elements as styleable or a slew of elements as themeable.

Example - style all elements that have the class .library-theme, ignoring all shadow trees:

body /deep/ .library-theme {

Using custom pseudo elements

Both WebKit and Firefox define pseudo elements for styling internal pieces of native browser elements. A good example is the input[type=range]. You can style the slider thumb <span style="color:blue">blue</span> by targeting ::-webkit-slider-thumb:

input[type=range].custom::-webkit-slider-thumb {
  -webkit-appearance: none;
  background-color: blue;
  width: 10px;
  height: 40px;

Similar to how browsers provide styling hooks into some internals, authors of Shadow DOM content can designate certain elements as styleable by outsiders. This is done through custom pseudo elements.

You can designate an element as a custom pseudo element by using the pseudo attribute. Its value, or name, needs to be prefixed with "x-". Doing so creates an association with that element in the shadow tree and gives outsiders a designated lane to cross the shadow boundary.

Here's an example of creating a custom slider widget and allowing someone to style its slider thumb blue:

  #host::x-slider-thumb {
    background-color: blue;
<div id="host"></div>
  var root = document.querySelector('#host').createShadowRoot();
  root.innerHTML = `
      <div pseudo="x-slider-thumb"></div>' +

Using CSS Variables

A powerful way to create theming hooks will be through CSS Variables. Essentially, creating "style placeholders" for other users to fill in.

Imagine a custom element author who marks out variable placeholders in their Shadow DOM. One for styling an internal button's font and another for its color:

button {
  color: var(--button-text-color, pink); /* default color will be pink */
  font-family: var(--button-font);

Then, the embedder of the element defines those values to their liking. Perhaps to match the super cool Comic Sans theme of their own page:

#host {
  --button-text-color: green;
  --button-font: "Comic Sans MS", "Comic Sans", cursive;

Due to the way CSS Variables inherit, everything is peachy and this works beautifully! The whole picture looks like this:

  #host {
    --button-text-color: green;
    --button-font: "Comic Sans MS", "Comic Sans", cursive;
<div id="host">Host node</div>
  var root = document.querySelector('#host').createShadowRoot();
  root.innerHTML = `
      button {
        color: var(--button-text-color, pink);
        font-family: var(--button-font);

Resetting styles

Inheritable styles like fonts, colors, and line-heights continue to affect elements in the Shadow DOM. However for maximum flexibility, Shadow DOM gives us the resetStyleInheritance property to control what happens at the shadow boundary. Think of it as a way to start fresh when creating a new component.


  • false - Default. inheritable CSS properties continue to inherit.
  • true - resets inheritable properties to initial at the boundary.

Below is a demo that shows how the shadow tree is affected by changing resetStyleInheritance:

  <h3>Light DOM</h3>

  var root = document.querySelector('div').createShadowRoot();
  root.resetStyleInheritance = <span id="code-resetStyleInheritance">false</span>;
  root.innerHTML = `
      h3 {
        color: red;
    <h3>Shadow DOM</h3>
    <content select="h3"></content>

<div class="demoarea" style="width:225px;">
  <div id="style-ex-inheritance"><h3 class="border">Light DOM</div>
<div id="inherit-buttons">
  <button id="demo-resetStyleInheritance">resetStyleInheritance=false</button>

  var container = document.querySelector('#style-ex-inheritance');
  var root = container.createShadowRoot();
  //root.resetStyleInheritance = false;
  root.innerHTML = '<style>h3{ color: red; }</style><h3>Shadow DOM<content select="h3"></content>';

  document.querySelector('#demo-resetStyleInheritance').addEventListener('click', function(e) {
    root.resetStyleInheritance = !root.resetStyleInheritance; = 'resetStyleInheritance=' + root.resetStyleInheritance;
    document.querySelector('#code-resetStyleInheritance').textContent = root.resetStyleInheritance;
DevTools inherited properties

Understanding .resetStyleInheritance is a bit trickier, primarily because it only has an affect on CSS properties which are inheritable. It says: when you're looking for a property to inherit, at the boundary between the page and the ShadowRoot, don't inherit values from the host but use the initial value instead (per the CSS spec).

If you're unsure about which properties inherit in CSS, check out this handy list or toggle the "Show inherited" checkbox in the Element panel.

Styling distributed nodes

Distributed nodes are elements that render at an insertion point (a <content> element). The <content> element allows you to select nodes from the Light DOM and render them at predefined locations in your Shadow DOM. They're not logically in the Shadow DOM; they're still children of the host element. Insertion points are just a rendering thing.

Distributed nodes retain styles from the main document. That is, style rules from the main page continue to apply to the elements, even when they render at an insertion point. Again, distributed nodes are still logically in the light dom and don't move. They just render elsewhere. However, when the nodes get distributed into the Shadow DOM, they can take on additional styles defined inside the shadow tree.

::content pseudo element

Distributed nodes are children of the host element, so how can we target them from within the Shadow DOM? The answer is the CSS ::content pseudo element. It's a way to target Light DOM nodes that pass through an insertion point. For example:

::content > h3 styles any h3 tags that pass through an insertion point.

Let's see an example:

  <h3>Light DOM</h3>
    <div>I'm not underlined</div>
    <p>I'm underlined in Shadow DOM!</p>

var div = document.querySelector('div');
var root = div.createShadowRoot();
root.innerHTML = `
    h3 { color: red; }
      content[select="h3"]::content > h3 {
      color: green;
    ::content section p {
      text-decoration: underline;
  <h3>Shadow DOM</h3>
  <content select="h3"></content>
  <content select="section"></content>

Resetting styles at insertion points

When creating a ShadowRoot, you have the option of resetting the inherited styles. <content> and <shadow> insertion points also have this option. When using these elements, either set the .resetStyleInheritance in JS or use the boolean reset-style-inheritance attribute on the element itself.

  • For a ShadowRoot or <shadow> insertion points: reset-style-inheritance means inheritable CSS properties are set to initial at the host, before they hit your shadow content. This location is known as the upper boundary.

  • For <content> insertion points: reset-style-inheritance means inheritable CSS properties are set to initial before the host's children are distributed at the insertion point. This location is known as the lower boundary.


As authors of custom elements, we have a ton of options for controlling the look and feel of our content. Shadow DOM forms the basis for this brave new world.

Shadow DOM gives us scoped style encapsulation and a means to let in as much (or as little) of the outside world as we choose. By defining custom pseudo elements or including CSS Variable placeholders, authors can provide third-parties convenient styling hooks to further customize their content. All in all, web authors are in full control of how their content is represented.