Allow passkey reuse across your sites with Related Origin Requests

Maud Nalpas
Maud Nalpas

Passkeys are tied to a specific website and can only be used for signing in on the website they were created for.

This is specified in the relying party ID (RP ID), which for passkeys created for the domain could be or

While RP IDs prevent passkeys from being used as a single credential for authenticating everywhere, they create issues for:

  • Sites with multiple domains: Users can't use the same passkey to sign in across different country-specific domains (for example, and managed by the same company.
  • Branded domains: Users can't use the same credential across different domains used by a single brand (for example and
  • Mobile apps: Mobile apps often don't have their own domain, making credential management challenging.

There are workarounds based on identity federation, and others based on iframes, but they are inconvenient in some cases. Related Origin Requests offer a solution.


With Related Origin Requests, a website can specify origins allowed to use its RP ID.

This unlocks the possibility for users to reuse the same passkey across multiple sites you operate.

To use Related Origin Requests, you need to serve a special JSON file at a specific URL https://{RP ID}/.well-known/webauthn. If wants to allow the additional origins to use it as an RP ID, it should serve the following file at

    "origins": [

Next time any of these sites makes a call for passkey creation (navigator.credentials.create) or authentication (navigator.credentials.get) that uses as an RP ID, the browser will notice an RP ID that mismatches the requesting origin. If the browser supports Related Origin Requests, it first looks for a webauthn file at https://{RP ID}/.well-known/webauthn. If the file exists, the browser checks whether the origin making the request is allowlisted in that file. If so, it proceeds to passkey creation or authentication steps. If the browser doesn't support Related Origin Requests, it throws a SecurityError.

Browser support

  • Chrome: Supported starting from Chrome 128.
  • Safari: Supported starting from macOS 15 beta 3, and on mobile iOS 18 beta 3.
  • Firefox: Awaiting position.

The following demo uses the example of two sites, and
To enable users to sign in with the same passkey across both of those sites, it uses Related Origin Requests to allow to use as its RP ID.

Demo implements Related Origin Requests to use as an RP ID, so both ror-1 and ror-2 use as an RP ID upon creating a passkey or authenticating with it.
We've also implemented a shared passkey database across these sites.

Observe the following user experience:

  • You can successfully create a passkey, and authenticate with it, on ror-2—even though its RP ID is ror-1 (and not ror-2).
  • Once you create a passkey on either ror-1 or ror-2, you can authenticate with it on both ror-1 and ror-2. Because ror-2 specifies ror-1 as an RP ID, making a passkey creation or authentication request from any of these sites is the same as making the request on ror-1. The RP ID is the only thing that ties a request to an origin.
  • Once you create a passkey on either ror-1 or ror-2, it can be autofilled by Chrome on both ror-1 and ror-2.
  • A credential created on any of these sites will have an RP ID of ror-1.
Chrome autofills on both sites.
Thanks to Related Origin Requests, users can use the same passkey credential across ror-1 and ror-2. Chrome will also autofill the credentials.

See code:

Step 1: Implement a shared account database

If you want your users to be able to sign in with the same passkey across site-1 and site-2, implement an account database that is shared across these two sites.

Step 2: Set up your .well-known/webauthn JSON file in site-1

First, configure such that it allows to use it as an RP ID. To do so, create your webauthn JSON file:

    "origins": [

The JSON object must contain key named origins whose value is an array of one or more strings containing web origins.

Important limitation: Maximum 5 labels

Each element of this list will be processed to extract the eTLD + 1 label. For example, the eTLD + 1 labels of and are both example. But the eTLD + 1 label of is example-rewards. In Chrome, the maximum number of labels is 5.

Step 3: Serve your .well-known/webauthn JSON in site-1

Then, serve your JSON file under

For example, in express:

app.get("/.well-known/webauthn", (req, res) => {
  const origins = {
    origins: [""],
  return res.json(origins);

Here, we're using express res.json, which already sets the correct content-type ('application/json');

Step 4: Specify the desired RP ID in site-2

In your site-2 codebase, set site-1.comas the RP ID everywhere needed:

  • Upon credential creation:
    • Set as the RP ID in the credential creation options that are passed to the navigator.credentials.create frontend call, and typically generated server-side.
    • Set site-1.comas the expected RP ID, as you run credential verifications before saving it to your database.
  • Upon authentication:
    • Set as the RP ID in the authentication options that are passed to the navigator.credentials.get frontend call, and typically generated server-side.
    • Set site-1.comas the expected RP ID to be verified on the server, as you run credential verifications before authenticating the user.


Error message popup in Chrome.
Error message in Chrome upon credential creation. This error is thrown if your `.well-known/webauthn` file can't be found at `https://{RP ID}/.well-known/webauthn`.
Error message popup in Chrome.
Error message in Chrome upon credential creation. This error is thrown if your `.well-known/webauthn` file can be found, but doesn't list the origin you're trying to create a credential from.

Other considerations

Share passkeys across sites and mobile apps

Related Origin Requests allow your users to reuse a passkey across multiple sites. To allow your users to reuse a passkey across a website and a mobile app, use the following techniques:

Share passwords across sites

Related Origin Requests allow your users to reuse a passkey across sites. Solutions for sharing passwords across sites vary between password managers. For Google Password Manager, use Digital Asset Links . Safari has a different system.

Role of credential managers and user agents

This goes beyond your scope as a site developer, but note that in the longer term, the RP ID shouldn't be a user-visible concept in the user agent or the credential manager your users are using. Instead, user agents and credential managers should show users where their credentials have been used. This change will take time to implement. A temporary solution would be to display both the current website and the original registration site.