Learn more about headers that can keep your site safe and quickly look up the most important details.
This article lists the most important security headers you can use to protect your website. Use it to understand web-based security features, learn how to implement them on your website, and as a reference for when you need a reminder.
- Security headers recommended for websites that handle sensitive user data:
- Content Security Policy (CSP)
- Trusted Types
- Security headers recommended for all websites:
- X-Content-Type-Options
- X-Frame-Options
- Cross-Origin Resource Policy (CORP)
- Cross-Origin Opener Policy (COOP)
- HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
- Security headers for websites with advanced capabilities:
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
- Cross-Origin Embedder Policy (COEP)
Before diving into security headers, learn about known threats on the web and why you'd want to use these security headers.
Protect your site from injection vulnerabilities
Injection vulnerabilities arise when untrusted data processed by your application can affect its behavior and, commonly, lead to the execution of attacker-controlled scripts. The most common vulnerability caused by injection bugs is cross-site scripting (XSS) in its various forms, including reflected XSS, stored XSS, DOM-based XSS, and other variants.
An XSS vulnerability can typically give an attacker complete access to user data processed by the application and any other information hosted in the same web origin.
Traditional defenses against injections include consistent use of autoescaping HTML template systems, avoiding the use of dangerous JavaScript APIs, and properly processing user data by hosting file uploads in a separate domain and sanitizing user-controlled HTML.
- Use Content Security Policy (CSP) to control which scripts can be executed by your application to mitigate the risk of injections.
- Use Trusted Types to enforce sanitization of data passed into dangerous JavaScript APIs.
- Use X-Content-Type-Options to prevent the browser from misinterpreting the MIME types of your website's resources, which can lead to script execution.
Isolate your site from other websites
The openness of the web allows websites to interact with each other in ways that can violate an application's security expectations. This includes unexpectedly making authenticated requests or embedding data from another application in the attacker's document, allowing the attacker to modify or read application data.
Common vulnerabilities that undermine web isolation include clickjacking, cross-site request forgery (CSRF), cross-site script inclusion (XSSI), and various cross-site leaks.
- Use X-Frame-Options to prevent your documents from being embedded by a malicious website.
- Use Cross-Origin Resource Policy (CORP) to prevent your website's resources from being included by a cross-origin website.
- Use Cross-Origin Opener Policy (COOP) to protect your website's windows from interactions by malicious websites.
- Use Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) to control access to your website's resources from cross-origin documents.
Post-Spectre Web Development is a great read if you are interested in these headers.
Build a powerful website securely
Spectre puts any data loaded
into the same browsing context group potentially readable
despite same-origin policy. Browsers restrict features
that may possibly exploit the vulnerability behind a special environment called
"cross-origin isolation". With cross-origin isolation, you can
use powerful features such as SharedArrayBuffer
- Use Cross-Origin Embedder Policy (COEP) along with COOP to enable cross-origin isolation.
Encrypt traffic to your site
Encryption issues appear when an application does not fully encrypt data in transit, allowing eavesdropping attackers to learn about the user's interactions with the application.
Insufficient encryption can arise in the following cases: not using HTTPS,
mixed content, setting cookies without the Secure
(or __Secure
or lax CORS validation
- Use HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) to consisitently serve your contents through HTTPS.
Content Security Policy (CSP)
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is an attack where a vulnerability on a website allows a malicious script to be injected and executed.
provides an added layer to mitigate XSS attacks by
restricting which scripts can be executed by the page.
It's recommended that you enable strict CSP using one of the following approaches:
- If you render your HTML pages on the server, use a nonce-based strict CSP.
- If your HTML has to be served statically or cached, for example if it's a single-page application, use a hash-based strict CSP.
Example usage: A nonce-based CSP
script-src 'nonce-{RANDOM1}' 'strict-dynamic' https: 'unsafe-inline';
object-src 'none';
base-uri 'none';
Recommended usages
1. Use a nonce-based strict CSP {: #nonce-based-csp}
If you render your HTML pages on the server, use a nonce-based strict CSP.
Generate a new script nonce value for every request on the server side and set the following header:
server configuration file
Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'nonce-{RANDOM1}' 'strict-dynamic' https: 'unsafe-inline'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none';
In HTML, in order to load the scripts, set the nonce
attribute of all
tags to the same {RANDOM1}
<script nonce="{RANDOM1}" src="https://example.com/script1.js"></script> <script nonce="{RANDOM1}"> // Inline scripts can be used with the <code>nonce</code> attribute. </script>
Google Photos is a good nonce-based strict CSP example. Use DevTools to see how it's used.
2. Use a hash-based strict CSP {: #hash-based-csp}
If your HTML has to be served statically or cached, for example if you're building a single-page application, use a hash-based strict CSP.
server configuration file
Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'sha256-{HASH1}' 'sha256-{HASH2}' 'strict-dynamic' https: 'unsafe-inline'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none';
In HTML, you'll need to inline your scripts in order to apply a hash-based policy, because most browsers don't support hashing external scripts.
<script> ...// your script1, inlined </script> <script> ...// your script2, inlined </script>
To load external scripts, read "Load sourced scripts dynamically" under Option B: Hash-based CSP Response Header section.
CSP Evaluator is a good tool to evaluate your CSP, but at the same time a good nonce-based strict CSP example. Use DevTools to see how it's used.
Supported browsers
Other things to note about CSP
directive protects your site from clickjacking—a risk that arises if you allow untrusted sites to embed yours. If you prefer simpler solution, you can useX-Frame-Options
to block being loaded, butframe-ancestors
gives you an advanced configuration to only allow specific origins as embedders.- You may have used a CSP to ensure that all of your site's resources are loaded over HTTPS. This has become less relevant: nowadays, most browsers block mixed-content.
- You can also set a CSP in report-only mode.
- If you can't set a CSP as a header server-side, you can also set it as a meta tag. Note that you can't use report-only mode for meta tags (though this may change).
Learn more
Trusted Types
XSS is an
attack where a malicious data is passed into a sink that supports dynamic code
execution such as eval()
or .innerHTML
Trusted Types provide the tools to write, security review, and maintain applications free of DOM XSS. They can be enabled via CSP and make JavaScript code secure by default by limiting dangerous web APIs to only accept a special object—a Trusted Type.
To create these objects you can define security policies in which you can ensure that security rules (such as escaping or sanitization) are consistently applied before the data is written to the DOM. These policies are then the only places in code that could potentially introduce DOM XSS.
Example usages
Content-Security-Policy: require-trusted-types-for 'script'
// Feature detection
if (window.trustedTypes && trustedTypes.createPolicy) {
// Name and create a policy
const policy = trustedTypes.createPolicy('escapePolicy', {
createHTML: str => {
return str.replace(/\</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>');
// Assignment of raw strings is blocked by Trusted Types.
el.innerHTML = 'some string'; // This throws an exception.
// Assignment of Trusted Types is accepted safely.
const escaped = policy.createHTML('<img src=x onerror=alert(1)>');
el.innerHTML = escaped; // '&lt;img src=x onerror=alert(1)&gt;'
Recommended usages
Enforce Trusted Types for dangerous DOM sinks CSP and Trusted Types header:
Content-Security-Policy: require-trusted-types-for 'script'
is the only acceptable value forrequire-trusted-types-for
directive.Of course, you can combine Trusted Types with other CSP directives:
Merging a nonce-based CSP from above with Trusted Types:
script-src 'nonce-{RANDOM1}' 'strict-dynamic' https: 'unsafe-inline';
object-src 'none';
base-uri 'none';
require-trusted-types-for 'script';
<aside class="note"><b>Note: </b> You may limit allowed Trusted Types policy names by setting an additional <code>trusted-types</code> directive (for example, <code>trusted-types myPolicy</code>). However, this is not a requirement. </aside>
Define a policy
// Feature detection if (window.trustedTypes && trustedTypes.createPolicy) { // Name and create a policy const policy = trustedTypes.createPolicy('escapePolicy', { createHTML: str => { return str.replace(/\/g, '>'); } }); }
Apply the policy
Use the policy when writing data to the DOM:
// Assignment of raw strings are blocked by Trusted Types. el.innerHTML = 'some string'; // This throws an exception.</p> <p>// Assignment of Trusted Types is accepted safely. const escaped = policy.createHTML('<img src="x" onerror="alert(1)">'); el.innerHTML = escaped; // '<img src=x onerror=alert(1)>'
require-trusted-types-for 'script'
, using a trusted type is a requirement. Using any dangerous DOM API with a string will result in an error.
Supported browsers
Learn more
- Prevent DOM-based cross-site scripting vulnerabilities with Trusted Types
- CSP: require-trusted-types-for - HTTP | MDN
- CSP: trusted-types - HTTP | MDN
- Trusted Types demo—open DevTools Inspector and see what is happening
When a malicious HTML document is served from your domain (for example, if an image uploaded to a photo service contains valid HTML markup), some browsers will treat it as an active document and allow it to execute scripts in the context of the application, leading to a cross-site scripting bug.
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
prevents it by instructing the browser that
the MIME type set in the
header for a given response is correct. This header is
recommended for all of your resources.
Example usage
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Recommended usages
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
is recommended for all resources served from
your server along with the correct Content-Type

Example headers sent with a document HTML
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Supported browsers
Learn more
If a malicious website can embed your site as an iframe, this may allow attackers to invoke unintended actions by the user with clickjacking. Also, in some cases Spectre-type attacks give malicious websites a chance to learn about the contents of an embedded document.
indicates whether or not a browser should be allowed to render
a page in a <frame>
, <iframe>
, <embed>
, or <object>
. All documents
are recommended to send this header to indicate whether they allow being
embedded by other documents.
Example usage
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Recommended usages
All documents that are not designed to be embedded should use X-Frame-Options
You can try how the following configurations affect loading an iframe on this
demo. Change the X-Frame-Options
dropdown menu and click the Reload the iframe button.
Protects your website from being embedded by any other websites
Deny being embedded by any other documents.

X-Frame-Options: DENY
Protects your website from being embedded by any cross-origin websites
Allow being embedded only by same-origin documents.
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Supported browsers
Learn more
Cross-Origin Resource Policy (CORP)
An attacker can embed resources from another origin, for example from your site, to learn information about them by exploiting web-based cross-site leaks.
mitigates this risk by indicating the set of
websites it can be loaded by. The header takes one of three values:
, same-site
, and cross-origin
. All resources are
recommended to send this header to indicate whether they allow being loaded by
other websites.
Example usage
Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: same-origin
Recommended usages
It is recommended that all resources are served with one of the following three headers.
You can try how the following configurations affect loading resources under a
Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp
environment on this
demo. Change the
Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy dropdown menu and click the Reload the
iframe or Reload the image button to see the effect.
Allow resources to be loaded cross-origin
It's recommended that CDN-like services apply cross-origin
to resources
(since they are usually loaded by cross-origin pages), unless they are already served
through CORS which has a similar effect.

Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: cross-origin
Limit resources to be loaded from the same-origin
should be applied to resources that are intended to be loaded only
by same-origin pages. You should apply this to resources that include sensitive
information about the user, or responses of an API that is intended to be called
only from the same origin.
Keep in mind that resources with this header can still be loaded directly, for example by navigating to the URL in a new browser window. Cross-Origin Resource Policy only protects the resource from being embedded by other websites.

Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: same-origin
Limit resources to be loaded from the same-site
is recommended to be applied to resources that are similar to above
but are intended to be loaded by other subdomains of your site.

Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: same-site
Supported browsers
Learn more
Cross-Origin Opener Policy (COOP)
An attacker's website can open another site in a popup window to learn information about it by exploiting web-based cross-site leaks. In some cases, this may also allow the exploitation of side-channel attacks based on Spectre.
The Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy
header provides a way for a document to isolate
itself from cross-origin windows opened through window.open()
or a link with
without rel="noopener"
. As a result, any cross-origin opener
of the document will have no reference to it and will not be able to interact
with it.
Example usage
Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin-allow-popups
Recommended usages
You can try how the following configurations affect communication with a cross-origin popup window on this demo. Change the Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy dropdown menu for both the document and the popup window, click the Open a popup button then click Send a postMessage to see if the message is actually delivered.
Isolate a document from cross-origin windows
Setting same-origin
puts the document to be isolated from cross-origin
document windows.

Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin
Isolate a document from cross-origin windows but allow popups
Setting same-origin-allow-popups
allows a document to retain a reference to
its popup windows unless they set COOP with same-origin
. This means same-origin-allow-popups
can still
protect the document from being referenced when opened as a popup window, but
allow it to communicate with its own popups.

Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin-allow-popups
Allow a document to be referenced by cross-origin windows
is the default value but you can explicitly indicate that this
document can be opened by a cross-origin window and retain mutual access.

Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: unsafe-none
Report patterns incompatible with COOP
You can receive reports when COOP prevents cross-window interactions with the Reporting API.
Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin; report-to="coop"
COOP also supports a report-only mode so you can receive reports without actually blocking communication between cross-origin documents.
Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy-Report-Only: same-origin; report-to="coop"
Supported browsers
Learn more
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
Unlike other items in this article, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is not a header, but a browser mechanism that requests and permits access to cross-origin resources.
By default, browsers enforce the same-origin policy to prevent a web page from accessing cross-origin resources. For example, when a cross-origin image is loaded, even though it's displayed on the web page visually, the JavaScript on the page doesn't have access to the image's data. The resource provider can relax restrictions and allow other websites to read the resource by opting-in with CORS.
Example usage
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://example.com
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Before looking into how to configure CORS, it's helpful to understand the distinction between request types. Depending on request details, a request will be classified as a simple request or a preflighted request.
Criteria for a simple request:
- The method is
, orPOST
. - The custom headers only include
, andContent-Type
. - The
, ortext/plain
Everything else is classified as a preflighted request. For more details, check out Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) - HTTP | MDN.
Recommended usages
Simple request
When a request meets the simple request criteria, the browser sends a
cross-origin request with an Origin
header that indicates the requesting
Example request header
Get / HTTP/1.1 Origin: https://example.com
Example response header
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://example.com Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://example.com
indicates that thehttps://example.com
can access the contents of the response. Resources meant to be readable by any site can set this header to*
, in which case the browser will only require the request to be made without credentials.Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
indicates that requests which carry credentials (cookies) are allowed to load the resource. Otherwise, authenticated requests will be rejected even if the requesting origin is present in theAccess-Control-Allow-Origin
You can try how the simple request affect loading resources under a
Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp
environment on this
demo. Click the
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing checkbox and click the Reload the image
button to see the effect.
Preflighted requests
A preflighted request is preceded with an OPTIONS
request to check if the
subsequent request is allowed to be sent.
Example request header
OPTIONS / HTTP/1.1 Origin: https://example.com Access-Control-Request-Method: POST Access-Control-Request-Headers: X-PINGOTHER, Content-Type
Access-Control-Request-Method: POST
allows the following request to be made with thePOST
method.Access-Control-Request-Headers: X-PINGOTHER, Content-Type
allows the requester to set theX-PINGOTHER
HTTP headers in the subsequent request.
Example response headers
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://example.com Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-PINGOTHER, Content-Type Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS
indicates that subsequent requests can be made with thePOST
methods.Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-PINGOTHER, Content-Type
indicates subsequent requests can include theX-PINGOTHER
headers.Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400
indicates that the result of the preflighted request can be cached for 86400 seconds.
Supported browsers
Learn more
Cross-Origin Embedder Policy (COEP)
To reduce the ability of Spectre-based
attacks to
steal cross-origin resources, features such as SharedArrayBuffer
are disabled by default.
Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp
prevents documents and workers from
loading cross-origin resources such as images, scripts, stylesheets, iframes and
others unless these resources explicitly opt into being loaded via CORS
or CORP headers. COEP can be combined withCross-Origin-Opener-Policy
to opt a document into cross-origin isolation.
Use Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp
when you want to enable
cross-origin isolation for your document.
Example usage
Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp
Example usages
COEP takes a single value of require-corp
. By sending this header, you can
instruct the browser to block loading resources that do not opt-in via

You can try how the following configurations affect loading resources on this demo. Change the Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy dropdown menu, the Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy dropdown menu, the Report Only checkbox etc to see how they affect loading resources. Also, open the reporting endpoint demo to see if the blocked resources are reported.
Enable cross-origin isolation
Enable cross-origin isolation by sending
Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp
along with
Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin
Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin
Report resources incompatible withn COEP
You can receive reports of blocked resources caused by COEP with the Reporting API.
Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp; report-to="coep"
COEP also supports report-only mode so you can receive reports without actually blocking loading resources.
Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy-Report-Only: require-corp; report-to="coep"
Supported browsers
Learn more
HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
Communication over a plain HTTP connection is not encrypted, making the transferred data accessible to network-level eavesdroppers.
header informs the browser that it should never load
the site using HTTP and use HTTPS instead. Once it's set, the browser will use
HTTPS instead of HTTP to access the domain without a redirect for a duration
defined in the header.
Example usage
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
Recommended usages
All websites that transition from HTTP to HTTPS should respond with a
header when a request with HTTP is received.
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
Supported browsers