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Learn JavaScript
Baseline Newly available JavaScript features
Get familiar with common and useful JavaScript features
Optimize poor INP caused by JavaScript
Optimize third-party JavaScript resources
Dive into JavaScript patterns
New to JavaScript?
If you're new to JavaScript, we've got you covered. Our Learn JavaScript course guides you through how JavaScript works, beginning with the basics such as variables, functions, and conditional statements. From there, you'll tackle more complex topics such as prototypal inheritance, classes, and other topics to help you hone your JavaScript skills so that you can build rich web applications.
Baseline Newly available JavaScript features
Baseline signals to web developers when web platform features can be safely used in all major browser engines. Here are some JavaScript features that are now Baseline Newly available.
Get familiar with common and useful JavaScript features
JavaScript gives you a lot of tools to help you build applications that respond to the needs of your users. Here are some common features might want to use in your web applications that are worth knowing about!
The fetch
API allows you to make HTTP requests to fetch data from the web on the front end.
Optimize poor INP caused by JavaScript
How you use JavaScript can have an effect on your web application's Interaction to Next Paint (INP). These guides will help you to get a handle on page repsonsiveness issues caused by JavaScript.
Optimize long tasks
Optimize input delay
Script evaluation and long tasks
Use web workers to run JavaScript off the browser's main thread
Optimize third-party JavaScript resources
Third-party JavaScript performance
Identify slow third-party JavaScript
Efficiently load third-party JavaScript
Best practices for tags and tag managers
Dive into JavaScript patterns
Check out these patterns you can use to quickly accomplish common tasks in your web applications using JavaScript.