The CSS Podcast - 006: Color Part One
Color is an important part of any website and in CSS there are many options for color types, functions and treatments.
How do you decide which color type to use? How do you make your colors semi-transparent? In this lesson, you're going to learn which options you have to help you make the right decisions for your project and team.
CSS has various different data types, such as strings and numbers. Color is one of these types and uses other types, such as numbers for its own definitions.
Numeric colors
It is very likely that your first exposure to colors in CSS is via numeric colors. We can work with numerical color values in a few different forms.
Hex colors
h1 {
color: #b71540;
Hexadecimal notation (often shortened to hex) is a shorthand syntax for RGB, which assigns a numeric value to red green and blue, which are the three primary colors.
The hexadecimal ranges are 0-9 and A-F. When used in a six digit sequence, they are translated to the RGB numerical ranges which are 0-255 which correspond to the red, green, and blue color channels respectively.
You can also define an alpha value with any numerical colors.
An alpha value is a percentage of transparency.
In hex code, you add another two digits to the six digit sequence,
making an eight digit sequence.
For example, to set black in hex code, write #000000
To add a 50% transparency, change it to #00000080
Because the hex scale is 0-9 and A-F, the transparency values are probably not quite what you'd expect them to be.
Here are some key, common values added to the black hex code, #000000
- 0% alpha—which is fully transparent—is 00:
- 50% alpha is 80:
- 75% alpha is BF:
To convert a two digit hex to a decimal, take the first digit and multiply it by 16 (because hex is base 16), then add the second digit. Using BF as an example for 75% alpha:
- B is equal to 11, which when multiplied by 16 equals 176
- F is equal to 15
- 176 + 15 = 191
- The alpha value is 191—75% of 255
RGB (Red, Green, Blue)
h1 {
color: rgb(183, 21, 64);
RGB colors are defined with the
color function,
using either numbers or percentages as parameters.
The numbers need to be within the 0-255 range and the percentages are between 0% and 100%.
RGB works on the 0-255 scale,
so 255 would be equivalent to 100%, and 0 to 0%.
To set black in RGB, define it as rgb(0 0 0)
which is zero red, zero green and zero blue.
Black can also be defined as rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)
White is the exact opposite: rgb(255, 255, 255)
or rgb(100%, 100%, 100%)
An alpha is set in rgb()
in one of two ways.
Either add a /
after the red, green and blue parameters,
or use the rgba()
The alpha can be defined with a percentage or a decimal between 0 and 1.
For example, to set a 50% alpha black in modern browsers, write: rgb(0 0 0 / 50%)
or rgb(0 0 0 / 0.5)
For wider support, using the rgba()
write: rgba(0, 0, 0, 50%)
or rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness)
h1 {
color: hsl(344, 79%, 40%);
HSL stands for hue, saturation and lightness. Hue describes the value on the color wheel, from 0 to 360 degrees, starting with red (being both 0 and 360). A hue of 180, or 50% would be in the blue range. It's the origin of the color that we see.
Saturation is how vibrant the selected hue is.
A fully desaturated color (with a saturation of 0%
) will appear grayscale.
And finally, lightness is the parameter which describes the scale from white to black of added light.
A lightness of 100%
will always give you white.
Using the hsl()
color function,
you define a true black by writing hsl(0 0% 0%)
, or even hsl(0deg 0% 0%)
This is because the hue parameter defines the degree on the color wheel,
which if you use the number type, is 0-360.
You can also use the angle type, which is (0deg
) or (0turn)
Both saturation and lightness are defined with percentages.
Alpha is defined in hsl()
in the same way as rgb()
by adding a /
after the hue, saturation and lightness parameters or by using the
The alpha can be defined with a percentage or a decimal between 0 and 1.
For example, to set a 50% alpha black, use: hsl(0 0% 0% / 50%)
or hsl(0 0% 0% / 0.5)
Using the hsla()
function, write: hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 50%)
or hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.5)
Color Keywords
There are 148 named colors in CSS. These are plain English names such as purple, tomato and goldenrod. Some of the most popular names, according to the Web Almanac, are black, white, red, blue and gray. Our favorites include goldenrod, aliceblue, and hotpink.
Aside from standard colors, there are also special keywords available:
is a fully transparent color. It is also the initial value ofbackground-color
is the contextual computed dynamic value of thecolor
property. If you have a text color ofred
and then set theborder-color
to becurrentColor
, it will also be red. If the element that you definecurrentColor
on doesn't have a value forcolor
will be computed by the cascade instead
Where to use color in CSS rules
If a CSS property accepts the
data type as a value,
it will accept any of the above methods of expressing color.
For styling text, use the color
, text-shadow
and text-decoration-color
which all accept color as the value or color as part of the value.
For backgrounds, you can set a color as the value for background
or background-color
Colors can also be used in gradients, such as linear-gradient
Gradients are a type of image that can be programmatically defined in CSS.
Gradients accept two or more colors in any combination of color format, such as hex, rgb or hsl.
Finally, border-color
, and outline-color
set the color for borders and outlines on your boxes.
The box-shadow
property also accepts color as one of the values.
Check your understanding
Test your knowledge of color
Which of the following are valid colors?
rbga(400 0 1)
hsl(180deg 50% 50%)
rgb(255, 0, 0)
Spot the invalid hsl color.
hsl(0, 0, 0)
hsl(5, 0%, 90%)
hsl(.5turn 40% 60%)
hsl(2rad 50% 50%)
hsl(0 0% 0% / 20%)