Any set of characters—letters, numbers, symbols, and so on—between a set of
either double quotation marks ("
), single quotation marks ('
), or backticks
(`) is a string primitive. You've already seen a few examples of strings in
this course: the instances of console.log
in the previous module contained
string primitives.
console.log( "Hello, World." );
> Hello, World.
"Hello, World."
is a string primitive. You get the same result with single
quotes or backticks:
console.log( 'Hello, World.' );
> Hello, World.
console.log(`Hello, World.`);
> Hello, World.
A series of characters enclosed in quotation marks is called a string literal. Double and single quotes behave in the same way, and one can contain the other as a character in the string itself:
console.log( "I'm a string." );
> I'm a string.
console.log( '"A string," I said.' );
> "A string," I said.
An instance of the same enclosing character within the string "closes" the string, likely causing errors:
console.log( '"I'm a string," I said.' );
> Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
To avoid this, escape the character using a backslash (\
console.log( '"I\'m a string," I said.' );
> "I'm a string," I said.
String object
When called as a function, the String
object coerces a specified value to a
string literal.
let myString = String( 10 );
> "10"
typeof myString
> string
As detailed in prototypal inheritance,
you'll rarely need to use the String
object as a constructor. It creates a
string object containing the specified value, alongside the methods and
properties already afforded by the String
object, instead of a string literal.
let stringObj = new String( "My new string." );
typeof stringObj
> object
> String { "My new string." }
When used in the context of strings instead of numbers, a single plus sign (+
acts as a concatenation operator, combining multiple string values into a single
console.log( "My" + " string." );
> My string.
String literals and template literals
Single quotes, double quotes, and backticks can be used interchangeably for creating string primitives. However, you can also use backticks to specify template literals (sometimes called "template strings"). Unlike the string literals created by single or double quotes, template literals allow for multi-line strings and string interpolation.
const myString = "This
is a string.";
> Uncaught SyntaxError: "" string literal contains an unescaped line break
const myString = `This
is a string.`;
console.log( myString );
> This
is a string.
Template literals can contain placeholder expressions marked by a dollar sign
and curly braces (${}
). These placeholders are "interpolated" by default,
meaning that the result of the expression replaces the placeholder in the final
console.log( "The result is " + ( 2 + 4 ) + "." );
> The result is 6.
console.log( `The result is ${ 2 + 4 }.` );
> The result is 6.
A template literal can be passed to a custom function to create a tagged template, a function call that uses a single template literal as a set of arguments and lets its placeholders populate based on author-defined logic.
The first argument of a tag function contains an array of string values, and the remaining arguments define the placeholders. This array of string values is created by "splitting" the template literal at each placeholder it contains. The first element in the array contains any characters up to the first placeholder, the second element contains any characters between the first and second placeholders, and so on. Each placeholder is passed to the tag function as a standalone value with an associated placeholder.
const myNoun = "template literal";
function myTagFunction( myStrings, myPlaceholder ) {
const myInitialString = myStrings[ 0 ];
console.log( `${ myInitialString }modified ${ myPlaceholder }.` );
myTagFunction`I'm a ${ myNoun }.`;
> "I'm a modified template literal."
Check your understanding
Which character is used to escape characters?
)Which character is used for concatenation?