How to use AMP in Next.js

Try out the two ways that you can add AMP to a Next.js app

What will you learn?

This codelab lets you try out the two ways that you can use AMP in a Next.js app. Check out How AMP can guarantee fastness in your Next.js app to learn why you might want to add AMP support to your Next.js app.

How to create Hybrid AMP pages

The Hybrid AMP approach creates an accompanying AMP version of any Next.js page. In the past the Hybrid approach was frequently used when there was an experience on the main version of your page that AMP couldn't support. The main version had the full experience while the AMP page had a slightly degraded experience. With the introduction of amp-script there's less of a need for the Hybrid approach, but we'll cover it here just in case you still need it.

There are multiple ways to configure how Next.js renders and serves pages. Using a config object allows you to modify these on a per-page basis. In order to serve a specific page as an AMP page, you need to export the amp property in the object:

import React from 'react'

export const config = { amp: 'hybrid' };

const Home = () => (
  <p>This is the home page</p>

export default Home;
  1. Click Remix to Edit to make the project editable.

  2. To preview the site, press View App. Then press Fullscreen fullscreen.

  3. Add ?amp=1 to the end of the URL. The page looks the same, but if you look in the Console you'll see that the AMP version of the page is being rendered.

The live page and a message in the Chrome DevTools Console stating that the page is powered by AMP.

Since the page only has a single <p> tag, there's no visible difference between the main page and its AMP version.

How to conditionally serve AMP components

AMP pages need to have their own set of valid components in place of many HTML elements. It's important to make sure that the AMP components are conditionally served only for the AMP page. Next.js provides a hook called useAmp to allow you to conditionally serve different elements depending on which version of the page was requested.

  1. To view the source, press View Source.

  2. Edit pages/index.js so that it renders a different paragraph element to the page depending on whether the main version or the AMP version was requested:

    import React from 'react';
    import { useAmp } from 'next/amp';
    export const config = { amp: 'hybrid' };
    const Home = () => (
      useAmp() ? (
        <p>This is the <strong>AMP</strong> version of the home page</p>
      ) : (
        <p>This is the main version of the home page</p>
    export default Home;
  3. Load the main version of the page:

    A screenshot of the main version of the page.
  4. Add ?amp=1 to the end of the URL again to load the AMP version of the page:

    A screenshot of the AMP version of the page that is displaying different text than the main version.
  5. Try rendering AMP's replacement of the image tag, amp-img:

    import React from 'react';
    import { useAmp } from 'next/amp';
    export const config = { amp: 'hybrid' };
    const imgSrc = '';
    const Image = () => (
      useAmp() ? (
        <amp-img alt="A cute kitten"
      ) : (
        <img alt="A cute kitten"
    const Home = () => (
        <Image />
    export default Home;

    layout="responsive" automatically renders a fully responsive image with an aspect ratio specified by width and height. Check out Layout & media queries to learn more about the supported layouts of AMP elements, and amp-img to learn more about that element's optimizations.

  6. View the main version of the page again.

    A screenshot showing that the image in the main version of the page overflows the viewport.
  7. View the AMP version of the page again.

    A screenshot showing that the image in the AMP version of the page has been automatically resized to fit the viewport.

How to create AMP-only pages

Next.js also supports AMP-only pages. With this approach, a single AMP page is served and rendered to users and search engines at all times.

  1. To render an AMP-only page, change the value of the amp property in the config object to true.

    import React from 'react'
    export const config = { amp: true };
    const Home = () => (
      <p>This is an AMP-only page</p>
    export default Home;